Is my bun crazy or normal??!


Young Bun
My crazy bun seems to love the vacuum cleaner! She follows it around when it's on, jumping over it, running under it! I would've thought she would be scared, as it's so noisy! But no matter what she is doing, as soon as I get it out she is there!! My other bun tends to shy away from it - aka normal behaviour!! LOL. Is my little one totally insane, or do any one elses do this!? TIA
:lol: not crazy I have seen posts along the same topic

Some sit I front of the fan it must be nice :roll:

mine aren't bothered by Henry Hoover either I use him outside to do their hutch :roll: saves a load of sweeping :lol:
Mine doesn't follow it but is not worried at all.
I keep saying I will buy her a robot one to sit on and have a ride!:lol: