I'm not saying my bunnies are spoiled....


Alpha Buck
But clearly they are (or maybe I am crazy?!) I started with a small task in mind, re-felting their shed roof. This ended in a massive garden tidy up and overhaul to include a bunny play zone -featuring a tunnel/warren, and upper level climbing area & salad bar (Full of herbs and rabbit friendly plants - reckon I may need to replenish the salad bar regularly [emoji23]) Good job we love them so much [emoji7]


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Wow that's amazing! So creative! It's really cool how the herb garden is raised up and has a tunnel underneath. it all looks an awesome place for the buns to hang out and graze :D
That is really amazing. Your bunnies will be so happy! I will save this thread so that hopefully I can do something similar in the spring!
OMG - that is just amazing. You should do rabbit garden design for a living. Such wonderful photos and the buns clearly love their new playground. Your hard work certainly paid off and that is just an amazing job. Bunny shangri-la. xx
WANT! And bunnies in a bucket! Well, an upturned one anyway :D

I adore bunnies in a bucket! We used to grow veg in various buckets at our old house and one of rainbow bridge bunnies was ALWAYS in a bucket. Now I sometimes see one of them in the wheelbarrow or in the summer in one of the camping chairs - anything that they can be on or in is fair game!