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I think I'm too nice, he's biting me like crazy!


Warren Scout
Oz bites and chews on my clothes, and my chest, everytime I hold him. EVERY flipping TIME. It's getting really irritating, not to mention painful. The thing is he doesn't do it to my girlfriend when she holds him the same way, just me. WHY!? And how can I get him to stop?
maybe just a trust thing, does she handle him alot more than you do. Some rabbits prefer women to men and vice versa. I've heard of things like this. Rabbits don't like being handled as it puts them in a vunerable position, maybe she doesn't feel confident enough yet for you to handle her. Mine never bite, but they don't enjoy being handled so i try subject them to it for as little time as possible if i have to pick them up, usually for clipping nails, meds etc. I don't think it's unusual for a rabbit to be distressed about being picked up at all. Mine do bite on my clothes when they want to be put down because they need the toliet. Sorry i can't give you much more help with this one. Maybe someone else has some advice :)
Is Oz neutered?

Don't forget if you are a man - you will smell of male hormones and will be 'competition' to your male bun. Different sex buns react differently to different sex humans... it's the hormones of everyone concerned!
Nope, we're both women, and he is neutered. We handle him about the same amount, I can't think of any real reason. Except that he just doesn't want to be handled.
I'd agree with what's already been said - Jack and Hollie *adore* their fuss. I've just nipped upstairs for something and two beautiful little bunnies came bounding up to their baby gate for some fuss and nose-rubs lol.

However; neither of them like being picked up! I have a scratch on my finger (which bled a fair bit!) where Hollie accidentally caught me with her claw when I put her in the carrier yesterday (she went to the vets to have her myxi' vacc.).

I find the buns' prefer to bound around and love me to get down on their level with them - Jack will sometimes hop on the bed to get on my level if I'm stood up and he wants a nose-rub lol. But being restricted by being held isn't something they like so I don't do it.

If he isn't neutered this can make a difference too and would probably calm him down somewhat.