Weather was absolutely disgusting so, instead of building the front wall it was decided to put up the 3 sides I have made and brace them.
Oops forgot, I have put damp proof membrane on the bottom rails, just stapled on. It is the same stuff you see used in house walls, just chopped on half with my saw. Wood is a smidge damp. Flippin weather.
Now the two person bit. Roughly manoeuvre the walls into position. I then worked out where I wanted the left hand wall, in my case about 2" in from the concrete edge and 3" back. The front gap allows fir the front wall and boards to be level ish with the front edge of the concrete. I don't want to be stepping over a concrete lip to get into the shed. I just put a bit of rail on the floor with weatherboard next to it to get the gap.
So, left wall in position. Up the steps and I nailed a rail to our fence, just to stop it wobbling and falling over, plus means our 2 pairs of hands are free.
Forgot to take a pic, this will have to do. The dark, angled rail just has one screw at the top and into the fence, it is only acting as a 3rd hand.
Now it just a case of positioning the back wall to the OUTSIDE of the left wall and clamp, then position the right wall to the INSIDE of the back wall. In other words, both side walls are sandwiched between my front and back walls.
A quick couple of screws to hold it all in place, once the rail edges were square. Next a couple of coach bolts fitted, holes drilled to correct size for the bolts, 10mm in my case. The bolts go from outside to in, only using 2 for attaching the walls at each corner. If you look in the corners you will spot the silver of the coach bolts.
As the weather is not good I screwed a temporary long rail across the front.
That will do for today, I am soaked through. Walls should stay in place safely overnight...he said.
Tomorrow it is front wall building time, with a
Just as a note, I am going to use concrete screws to fix the shed to the base. Nothing weird, you just screw them in.
I will take pics in the morning of the bits that need finishing off at the corners and how it bolted together. Really not in the mood right now.