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How I stopped my bunnies chewing wires/sofa/baskets etc...


Mama Doe
I have now had my new bunnies, Daisy and Bramble, for two months. They are hutch bunnies and what they chew in their hutch is up to them. However every week day they spend a few hours with me in the kitchen.

I work from home sitting at the kitchen table - whilst they run about I can't supervise them...I am meant to be working. Our kitchen has a conservatory attached which is my son's playroom where they like to spend most of their time. They like to chew the sofa, his toy baskets, the TV cables, the furniture etc...:roll: Anything really they could get their little teeth into. Naughty, naughty bunnies!:evil:

The Solution:
1. Tidy up the playroom - obvious really but the less there is to chew the less they will get into trouble.
2. Hide the wires - I moved a couple of baskets to stand in front of the two plugs so they can't get to the plugs.
3. Spray the basket, sofa, furniture with hairspray. I can't smell it but they must be able to because one sniff and they turn tail and hop away.
4. Give them plenty to chew - they now have their own toy box containing various size cardboard boxes, old magazines, a ball I fill with treats and loo rolls.

Two happy bunnies who are kept busy and behave themselves.


I love the idea of them having a toy box, I have an image of them peering in deciding which toy to play with first!:lol: