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help rabbits chaseing each other (is it a fight)


Young Bun
i came into my shed today and my 2 female rabbits started chasing each other and running round is this play or are they fighting??
How old are they and are they spayed? Thats not playing its showing dominence.

there both 2 and there not sprayed i seen the vet yesterday she said to wait untill they settle in (will they harm eacth other they still sit together)
Whenever I am spotted by the bunnies in the garden and they think I have food, they run chasing each other in circles... I assumed it was one bunny trying to chase the other away from me and the food... I usually get the food in quick to stop the chasing :lol:
If they are both female and unspayed it is likely to be one exerting dominance over the other. It is definately worth getting them spayed as this will help them to settle. It will also help protect against uterine cancer
Whenever I am spotted by the bunnies in the garden and they think I have food, they run chasing each other in circles... I assumed it was one bunny trying to chase the other away from me and the food... I usually get the food in quick to stop the chasing :lol:

Our lops are fixed and when they think food is coming they tend to scamper round and round the cage. They don't chase each other as long as they get food or headrubs. :lol:
As long as one of them is running away it's nothing really to worry about. When they turn and start biting each other then it's a problem. But yes get them spayed when you can.

I think there is something in the air as mine have started chasing more than usual :roll:
As long as one of them is running away it's nothing really to worry about. When they turn and start biting each other then it's a problem. But yes get them spayed when you can.

I think there is something in the air as mine have started chasing more than usual :roll:

Agree about getting them spayed, and also about there being something in the air (or full moon is my serious belief) as most of mine have been very unsettled or chasing this last week too.
will they be ok untill december when i can defintley get them sprayed?:?:?

They need to be kept warm after a spay, so you might need to bring them inside for a few days if it's cold.

It depends how serious the chasing is - if it's just the odd now & again, I shouldn't worry, but if it escalates, I'd be inclined to spay sooner rather than later - these things can often turn into fights in hormonal buns
They need to be kept warm after a spay, so you might need to bring them inside for a few days if it's cold.

It depends how serious the chasing is - if it's just the odd now & again, I shouldn't worry, but if it escalates, I'd be inclined to spay sooner rather than later - these things can often turn into fights in hormonal buns

ok i will do that its just this morning i seen it happen and they still sleep and cuddle together