Help making internal mesh door please?


Mama Doe
Hi all,

I've seen some playhouses with internal mesh doors around the forum and would like to make one for Finx and Tango, but am struggling to work out where to fix the bolts without having to chisel a chunk out of the existing door.

Photos below to explain, does anyone have any close ups of theirs that I might take some inspiration from please?




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Does the external door close tight against the green frame behind it? Presuming you've a second wooden frame that sits in the green frame with mesh on the back, you could the bolt on horizontal part of the frame and have the bolt go all the way through the wood frame and into the door frame. Of you could take a chunk out of the secondary door and recess the bolt. You could also use a flush bolt or a bolt that uses a hex key e.g.
I have a fixed panel at the bottom so they can't just run out when I open the door, that's screwed into the door frame from the inside of the shed. The door itself is attached by hinges screwed into the frame and a magnetic catch on the other side. This is the only photo I have, can try to take closer up ones if you need them:

ETA the magnetic catch sits on the door frame on the inside of the shed, its mainly just to hold it closed temporarily. I don't have bolts on mine I have a hook & eye fastening on the front of the mesh door which I always use and also 2 eyelet type things (one on the mesh door and one screwed into the door frame) which sit together when the door is closed and I put a padlock through them if I'm not closing the main door e.g. in summer to let air into the shed.
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Thanks both!

Casco that's a good point, the I side door only needs to be locked when the outer door is open, so the padlock could give me more room to work with.

Tamsin I've never heard of a hex key, will have a look! And yes the door will be a second frame inside the green one 😊

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We made one out of my old panels from the run, will put a pic up tomorrow when i can take one in the light x
This is what I put the padlock through if I haven't explained it very well - I just use the padlock from the main door through these eyelets.
