Has anyone got a purely miserable bunny? BOB UPDATE


Wise Old Thumper
I am worried about Bob, he is really grumpy all of the time.

I've booked him into the vets on Wednesday (I am sure they get sick of me there), because I want him to be checked over. Although there isn't anything actually wrong with him, he is fed up most of the time.

He is with the group of four, he has grown bigger then all of them, think he must be crossed with a Frenchie. None of the other bunnies pick on him, he gets lots of cuddles off them all. If I go to touch him he stamps his back legs and runs off. He has lots of toys, but doesn't seemed interested, in fact he had fun playing with a tea towel on Friday night and he was brighter and a bit more excited, because we had guests.

He was going to be PTS when I had him as he apparently had behavioural problems and I was told nobody would have him, because of his temper.

Could there be something wrong with him or could he be just born moody?
My old english pan is a big grumpy b***er!! she bites and stomps her feet she has improved slighty since we had her spayed but not alot. I just leave her to it she has the others buns and toys and stuff but tends to sit on the top of the hutch and snooze all day!!!! she's quite happy and theres nothing medically wrong with her just a moody bint!!
:lol: he's a boy, Yeah I thinking that, but thought I might get all his teeth checked just in case. Although he eats fine and he has no runny eyes. Beatrix can be grumpy, but she enjoys being grumpy (if you know what I mean), she enjoys chasing the bunnies or biting me. Bob seems so dis-interested in everything. I worry he isn't happy, maybe it's just his way. :(
awww Tree! He'll be fine. I love grumpy bunny's ! i have 3! Pan, Spot, Lilly.

Pan has always been grumpy, Spot is Pans daughter so i think she inherited it and Lilly has gone grumpy ever since her eye got all gunky and she had to have lots of treatment, she now thinks i ma the worst person in the world as everytime i pick her up it's to put meds in her!!!!

Awww - poor Bob! Is he grumpy towards the other buns too?
I don't see why a rabbit should like humans, especially if he's had a bad experience in the past, but if he doesn't like other rabbits either that seems a bit sad :(

I've only got 2 rabbits but they are very different towards me even though they are litter mates - Benny is just not interested in people (unless they have food), whereas Pepsi follows me around inquisitively - Benny isn't scared of noises etc, whereas Pepsi is a terrified wreck at the slightest odd sound - they are so different! Maybe Bob is just....Bob 8)
He does like the other bunnies. Although sometimes he likes to just sit by himself. I said to Bryn I had booked him into the vets the other day and he never asked me why. I said "are you not going to ask me whats up with Bob" and he said "is it because he is mardy?". We hadn't even discussed Bobs moods, but that's how obvious his sulks are. I would hate to think there was something wrong with him.

Well if he doesn't like anyone then he could have brain damage I guess, from E cunniculi or pasteurella maybe when he was young? Who knows - at least if you check his teeth, and he's eating etc normally, you've done all you can - People who have head injuries or brain disease at some stage can become very antisocial and/or aggressive - maybe that's his problem and just the way he is...I wonder if rabbits get headaches...If only they could talk!! Have you tried telepathy with him? - open your mind to the thoughts of a grumpy bunny.... :shock:
Yalta can be a pretty grumpy bun from time to time too - and she loves stamping and nipping.

I'm sure it's nothing, just a case of the grumps, even if it is more or less permanent. Getting him checked over is a good thing.

Has he always been this way, or is it a gradual or sudden change ? - I know you said he was referred to as a grumpy bun - but have there been any changes since you've had him ?

If he's come from a rescue, or previous owners, there is always a chance he was mistreated (just re-read that - didn't mean by the rescue!!). he may have some behavioural issues.

Is he eating / drinking OK ?

Is he the definite alpha male in the group ? - or maybe a bit down the ladder ? he may be stroppy because of that.

Have you tried him on his own ? - I've heard that you can get occassional buns that aren't too keen on other company - especially if they feel their getting left out.

Sorry - lots of questions there - and no advice :)

Eamon can be quite grumpy, he grunts at me sometimes and the others if they are getting in his way or making him move.

Quite often when I bring him inside he just sits under the chair and doesnt move, think partly scared but I sometimes just think he cant be bothered!!!!

Aww - poor Bob! Sounds like the staff at that shop may have tormented him as a punishment for his evil ways :(
If you've only had him 3 months or so he may still be getting his confidence in people - or maybe he was inbred, as pet shops suppliers often don't bother with such niceties as genetics.

Hope he cheers up as he gets older - he sounds gorgeous when he's good, and horrid when he's bad - like the rhyme goes....reminds me of my son :roll:
:lol: :lol: , yeah can be horrid. I just really want him to be the happy he can be.

It's different with Beatrix as she can be a mardy sod and she enjoys being a sod, she is very much lady muck. Whereas he look positively fed up sometimes.

He may be an inbreed it has crossed my mind before, I will see what the vet says pitty you can't get prozac for bunnies :lol:
Squidgy can be a little narky at times, especially over winter. He's getting old though, so we think it's grumpy old man syndrome! Was getting really worried about him, as he wasn't interested in anything but cleaning himself and sleeping, but now he's out investigating again. Still wish he'd do more though. He just seems so independent!
Well he's been to the vet and a had a complete check. He was so bad he had to be wrapped in a towel for his examination. He absolutely hated the contraption that goes in his mouth and makes that blowing air noise to check his teeth. After He had a proper mot, the vet couldn't find anything wrong with him, in fact she said he is extremely healthy. :D Which is great news, but I coudn't help felling a bit disappointed :roll: , not that I wanted him to be seriously ill, or anything like that you understand, but so she could say, "Oh yes I've found the problem and I've fixed your bunny".

Has anyone got any ideas to make a really grumpy bunny happier? Homeopathic anything? :?
I have no suggestions sorry Tree. At least theres nothing medically wrong with him but i can understand that it may have been easier if there were!
Tree glad to hear that Bob's a healthy little chap, and I hope he cheers up soon :D How about playing him so nice relaxing music to chill him out and cheer him up :D