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Mama Doe
I'm hopefully (if I pass the homecheck) getting two 5 month old rabbits from a rescue. One is male, and one is female and they are neutered/spayed. They have been at the rescue since December and the rescue lady said that during the winter they live in large enclosures in a barn, so I assume that the rabbits I'm hoping to get have always been in the barn because they got to the rescue in December. I don't know whether or not I should give them grass? They were found in the woods so they might have had grass before if here was any in the woods but I don't want to upset their stomaches
I would introduce it incredibly slowly, especially because its spring grass and so rich, but not until they have been with you for a couple of weeks and they are settled and you know them and know their behaviour so that if they react badly to grass, you will be able to identify any behavioural differences.
Let them onto the grass gradually. Limit their time the first time they have grass and then slowly increase the time each day or so :) Just incase, as like you said you dont want to upset their tummies! :D

Or you could ask the rescue whether they are used to being on grass/eating grass, which would be good to know.
:wave: I agree with the other posts...
If you can let them settle into their new routine for a couple weeks before you introduce anything new that would be ideal.
If possible, when you first introduce grass, can you just give them a handful? Instead of letting them graze? If you introduce it slowly you will get a better idea if it's going to upset their tummies..
Fingers crossed you pass the homecheck & get to bring your new buns home asap xx