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Feeding garlic mustard and ox eye daisy? 0_0


Warren Scout
These are wild plants that are on the safe wild plant list
(http://www.rabbitnutrition.co.uk/page1.html) But i know for a fact they can't have garlic (I don't think its from the garlic family but i'm still worried because when i was looking to make sure i had picked the right thing, you crush the leaf and it smells like strong garlic so you know its the right thing)
and i also know you can't feed daisys but maybe ox eye daisy is an exception?

Also its not on the list but i read elsewhere they could have colts foot? People eat it and its classed as a 'herb' not a weed apparently but there is tonnes of lovely colts foot where i live but just wanted to double cheak :wave:
you'll need to wait for someone thats good with plants and foraging, I doubt they'll be around till evening (after work) so bump this up then :)