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Electric spider repellant devices - UD not affecting rabbits :)


Warren Scout

Does anyone know, or even use, those devices that are supposed to repel spiders? I mean the ones you plug in that emit a sonic wave that is uncomfortable for spiders. The manufacturers say it's suitable for pets apart from tarantulas and rodents. I know rabbits aren't classed as rodents but my two live in the house on the floor and I'm not sure if using this device will affect them.

This is a link to one I was thinking of buying: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SPIDER-RE...ants_Weed_Pest_Control_CV&hash=item460dbdd4a0

I'm not sure if this is something rabbits will hear, does anyone know?

I have a major phobia of spiders so please don't say I should just ignore them :lol:

I use spray around the doors and windows but I hate using chemicals and don't want to hurt them, just drive them out of the house.

Thanks for any advice given xx
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I've never used a electric spider repellent so can't advise on it sorry, but the best thing I've found for keeping spiders out of the house is to put up insect screens over the windows and a insect screen door, since doing that I've not had any spiders in the house.
I use a natural spray called spider stopper that is basically cloves so no nasty chemicals at all. I get it from lakeland Limited.

I have certainly found in the past living in the country ( farm) that the rodent repeller devices that you plug in become ineffective after a few months. We had them in one of our barns and I walked in one day to see a mouse washing itself sitting slap bang in front of one of the sonic devices:lol:
Thank you both for the advice :)

Bunkin, that's interesting about the plug in device only lasting a few months. I need to look into other methods a bit more I think.

Thanks again xx
Try this got it off the internet :)

Add up to 5 drops of essential oil (lemon essential oil spiders detest it) and up to 5 drops of dish washing liquid to 1 qt. of water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and shake well.
Spray the mixture on cobwebs, around doors and windows, around the lawn and garden and on any surfaces where spiders lurk. In addition to having a pleasant aroma, this mixture is nontoxic.
Oils may stain or cause spots, so be sure to test the mixture on a small section of carpet or upholstery before spraying an entire surface.
Reapply the spray once a week when spiders are about.

Good Luck.
Try this got it off the internet :)

Add up to 5 drops of essential oil (lemon essential oil spiders detest it) and up to 5 drops of dish washing liquid to 1 qt. of water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and shake well.
Spray the mixture on cobwebs, around doors and windows, around the lawn and garden and on any surfaces where spiders lurk. In addition to having a pleasant aroma, this mixture is nontoxic.
Oils may stain or cause spots, so be sure to test the mixture on a small section of carpet or upholstery before spraying an entire surface.
Reapply the spray once a week when spiders are about.

Good Luck.

Thanks Tuckerbunnies I'll buy some lemon oil in town next week and give this a try. Sounds nice and easy!
Just in case anyone else is interested in this I can confirm they electromagnetic and sonic plug in spider repellent (same as the link in my first post) has no effect whatsoever on rabbits. Or spiders :roll: :lol: