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dried herbs

mini lop1

Wise Old Thumper
as in the grounded down dried herbs from supermarket, my nan just gave me 2 little pots of basil and mint, said add it to mabels hay to make her more interested in eating the other hays, I have never done this before is it ok
I've never thought about this before, but my instinct tells me no. I think it's probably because dried herbs always seem just so dusty and old :) I would never use them for cooking.

I was also not sure how confident I could be that "dried mint" for example was just dried mint, so I googled and came up with this http://www.independent.co.uk/life-s...e-totally-different-ingredients-10407772.html

If I were you I wouldn't. I can't see that it would do her a great deal of harm, but I just wouldn't.
as in the grounded down dried herbs from supermarket, my nan just gave me 2 little pots of basil and mint, said add it to mabels hay to make her more interested in eating the other hays, I have never done this before is it ok

Lot of folk have done this before, and it's perfectly safe. I haven't, but I see no reason why not :)
Lot of folk have done this before, and it's perfectly safe. I haven't, but I see no reason why not :)

thanks she gave them me for when she has to have her abscess removed and any teeth, she was thinking to get her interesting in the hay

omi I will read the mint link now thanks

I have known others to use the fenugreek but unsure on others
I would. I see it no different to us picking and drying our own herbs at home.
I actually might give it a go adding them to homemade toys.

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