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Chibbs and pellets


Wise Old Thumper
I'm really stingy with pellets, or so Matt says :lol: When we were giving pellets to Chibbs Saturday night (when Lopsy was still quite unwell), I put about 8 in and said that was all she'd eat and Matt made some complaining noises, so I put 2 more in. When we were medicating Lopsy, she wasn't interested in any of the random pellets etc. we were trying to get him to eat (although I kept all the medicated stuff well away from her). So, Matt gave her her pellets in the usual bowl but in the run (as the house was occupied :lol:) and guess what? She ate all but two :lol:

It's like I know... XD
Aw, you know them so well. :love: I've never met a bunny who is as uninterested in pellets as Chibbs is! They've all been super greedy. :lol:
:lol: Joey stops well before Boo. He is good at nugget portion control but nothing like Chibbs level of constraint
Yes mummy knows them best, my chase has tablespoon full morning. But after his herbs, greens, veg supper he expects some pellets as treat and a few more as treat before it's time to jump into my bed with me :lol:
Yes mummy knows them best, my chase has tablespoon full morning. But after his herbs, greens, veg supper he expects some pellets as treat and a few more as treat before it's time to jump into my bed with me :lol:
:lol: Yes, Chibbs then expects there to be bramble hanging from the run top when she's finished, and sometimes she finishes before Matt's started! She then goes looking for bits of brassica (human castoffs like stalks, slightly yellow bits etc.) strewn over the floor of the run :D

Chibbs is SOOOO weird :lol: We had cabbage, pellets and all sorts to lure Lopsy into the carrier, and she went straight in, looked around and came back out :lol: More than once XD Didn't try anything. It's a bit of a blessing: she's so into everything we're doing anyway she will just come to where we want her after a short while :D
:lol: Yes, Chibbs then expects there to be bramble hanging from the run top when she's finished, and sometimes she finishes before Matt's started! She then goes looking for bits of brassica (human castoffs like stalks, slightly yellow bits etc.) strewn over the floor of the run :D

Chibbs is SOOOO weird :lol: We had cabbage, pellets and all sorts to lure Lopsy into the carrier, and she went straight in, looked around and came back out :lol: More than once XD Didn't try anything. It's a bit of a blessing: she's so into everything we're doing anyway she will just come to where we want her after a short while :D
