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Can brother and sister rabbits fall in love??

My first recue rabbits were mother and son and they'd had a litter together. Rabbits have no idea about incest, only reproducing as much as possible. NO male and femal should be kept together without having them neutered/spayed first (unless you are a breeder, that's a whole other thread!).
I've heard of guinea pigs mating their mother 5 weeks after birth (having lived with her all their life) so yeah...rabbits don't care if they are related.
It may have something to do with inbreeding doesn't normally cause problems in the first generation unless they already carry bad genes, but also because rabbits don't really think about "health" like that...if one baby is sick they eat it, grotesque as it is. They know nothing about genetics and inherited diseases.
There's a phrase called breeding like rabbits, and trust me its true.
They are animals not humans so they don't know that having sex with their parents or brothers/sisters is wrong. If you put a male and female rabbit together you will soon end up with lot's and lot's of rabbits which will cost lot's and lot's of money to look after.

I think your parents should know all this already. Perhaps get them to buy a good rabbit book before you get your new bunnies.
ive just joined a libary and broght 2 books home on rabbits, like ive been saying they are going to get neuted and sprayed,but even when they have been wil they still do 'it?? but no babys?? x:oops: