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Book on bonding rabbits - update

Alice's mum

Warren Scout
Last year I asked RU members for bonding stories for a book....I am so grateful for everyone that sent me their experiences and photos because it has now been published!

I don't think I'm allowed to give more details in case it looks like I am advertising on here so I would just like to say a HUGE thanks to everyone that helped. If your story or photo was included I will be contacting you privately to get your address to send you a free copy.

Thanks :D

I thought of the idea after seeing how many people have bonding queries on here...and because I struggled to bond my female last year. So I'm not an expert I've just written about my experiences and other peoples with a few tips I learnt along the way. I hope it will help people because I know how stressful it can be!
Is this the that's being advertised by Fur and Feather? (just been forwarded a link)

Well done, I am sure that it will prove very useful.
Just looked at the link - The book looks great!

I'm sure lottilouise will be chuffed by the front cover.
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