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bonding the buns with the dogs

when we first got willow and squiggles we wanted the dogs to be ok around the buns and the buns to feel safe around the dogs. It was horrendous at first with the dogs barking at them whenever they moved and us putting the dogs away for 5 mins then trying again. All the bonding had to stop when the babies came about and we started back up when they were 8 weeks. Willow and squiggles are still not 100% with them yet, they are skittish buns, but the dogs are brill with them now, even let the buns get in their dog bed.
Fantastic! I think you still need to be very careful as the chase instinct can kick in ever so quickly. But you know your own dogs better than anyone else. I would have been able to have Meggie out with my bunnies like that but the two youngsters most definitely want to chase them so I have to be very careful now. It's so lovely when they can all be together :love:.
its the chase instinct that has took the longest, the younger lab wanted to play everytime the buns ran, so we had to stop that, everytime the buns ran the dogs got a slice of carrot if they didnt follow and they caught on really quick. (the dogs love carrots lol..)
Oh it's lovely :) well done.
And carrots are great training treats. Low calorie so you can get away with giving them tons.

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id never trust them on their own with the buns, i dont even leave the room for 1 minute but its nice to be able to watch tv on a night with them together
That's lovely to see, isn't it. The last photo in particular is very cute.

I'd never be able to do this with my two dogs, as they will literally chase anything and are badly behaved on a regular basis :) ! x