Bonding help


New Kit
I am going to pick up a rabbit on Monday from a friend of a friend who is moving, I have been looking to get Munch a friend for company for a while so it was ideal really! It's a female lop rabbit, about the same age as my male lop rabbit (who has been neutered). Am also picking up their hutch too so if they don't like each other they can be separated for the time being.
Anyone have any advice/ideas on how best to introduce and bond them, as I haven't done this before.

Thanks in advance! :)
The first thing I would do is to double check that the new rabbit is indeed a female rabbit. If she is female has she been spayed? It's possible to bond unspayed does and neutered bucks but it is easier if they are spayed and their hormones are allowed to settle down first.

When you decide it's time to try them together you need to make sure the place is totally neutral and be ready to seperate if any fighting occurs. Chasing, fur pulling and humping are all to be expected. I've used a run in the garden but the kitchen or bathroom would be fine as long as it's neutral.