A few questions about runs


Young Bun
Hello, I'm thinking about renevating this run I had that was completely inadequate so that I can attatch it to the hutch for more space for the bun. What kind of roofing does one use for a run? Mine currently doesn't have any roofing and I'm wondering how hard it would be to make and attatch some. Also, how does everyone attatch the run to the hutch? Are zip ties not strong enough? I'm just curious as to what everyone else does.

Finally, does anyone know anything about hutch flooring? I don't want anything permanent. If anyone can help me out Ai would love it, I'm sure my bun would love this run if I could figure out how to configure everything.:oops:
You could use corrugated plastic for the roofing. Zip ties aren't strong enough though, they could probably be ripped by a fox. I'm not sure what to use instead, screws? Maybe a 4 foot runaround tube. Hay for bedding?
Corrugated plastic might be good. The problem with my run is that it is just metal bars, no wood or anything so that I could screw it in to the hutch. :? I do plan to mesh over it but I'm not sure how to attach it to the hutch.
Could you bolt wood to the metal run then use dog clips to fix it to the run? (As on this site http://www.cottontails-rescue.org.uk/). You would also need mesh for under the run if its on grass to stop naughty foxes digging in (or rabbits digging out). Best of luck. Mine have a shed with a permanently attached aivery run.
That sounds great, I'll have to look into that.:thumb: what I'd love is one of those Runaround things, except, I live in the US and I can't find them anywhere on ebay or by american retailers. Everything good is from the uk. :lol: I wish I knew how to DIY something like that, but I can't find anything either.
Remember that not only do you need a roof, you need to predator proof the sides and the ground part. A lot of people don't realize but raccoons will grab and eat a bun through the wire, so you'll need strong mesh like hardware cloth to go around the sides :) And you'll need mesh for the ground so coyotes, foxes, etc can't dig underneath.