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Search results

  1. M

    Bunny savvy vet Rochdale/Bury area

    If you would be willing to travel to Leigh then My Pets Vets in Leigh are excellent and can be highly recommended by me and many on here :wave:
  2. M

    Urgent- Rabbit Savvy Vet Needed in or Near BOLTON

    677979 area code 01942 my pets vets
  3. M

    Urgent- Rabbit Savvy Vet Needed in or Near BOLTON

    my pets vets in leigh caroline and lloyd I use them as does kay j wouldn't take my buns anywhere else and very close to bolton will post number
  4. M


    yes i became vegetarian after getting my first rabbit five years ago purely because I couldn't bear to look at him and eat meat.
  5. M

    Good Rabbit Holiday Homes Manchester

    bunny hop my rabbits go to bunny hops and they love it. kay and david are wonderful
  6. M

    Is this normal or is she a bunny boiler?

    My sparkle.does this but with her it is because SHE wants the attention we can't even say Ty's name poor lad. She will also put her head on his head so we have to stroke her not him ;)
  7. M

    Malteser - short diary of EC recovery - He has been a real trooper - we're very lucky

    wow Malteser is just going from strength to strength I am so happy for him and for you. All my four are litter trained (stray poops but they always wee in their boxes) so knowing how hard you have worked with Malteser you will soon sort the litter training out. It is lovely having house buns - I...
  8. M

    Malteser - short diary of EC recovery - He has been a real trooper - we're very lucky

    what a good boy - none of mine will take any form of medicine without a fight they just clench their teeth firmly shut :lol:
  9. M

    Malteser - short diary of EC recovery - He has been a real trooper - we're very lucky

    could you have malteser and mr snowdrop both in the house as house bunnies and you could keep an eye on them then and make sure malteser is ok - just thinking if you get malteser another pal then you'd have to get mr Snowdrop another pal but if you could re-bond them at least you'd still just...
  10. M

    Malteser - short diary of EC recovery - He has been a real trooper - we're very lucky

    i'm not an expert on rabbit droppings but hopefully Kayj will come on and give you advice on what to do about his problem. I tried giving one of my buns some of the stuff you are talking about today and he wouldn't even open his mouth for it. He has been doing some rather smelly, soft poos and I...
  11. M

    Malteser - short diary of EC recovery - He has been a real trooper - we're very lucky

    wow he is doing so well. It is lovely to read his progress. perhaps his tummy will settle down soon and you won't have the worry of his messy bottom. hope so fingers crossed for you as he is doing so well with everything else. perhaps mention it to Caroline next time you see her and see what she...
  12. M

    Malteser - short diary of EC recovery - He has been a real trooper - we're very lucky

    lovely to hear more progress from Malteser :D
  13. M

    Malteser - short diary of EC recovery - He has been a real trooper - we're very lucky

    don't start feeling bad about anything. you are doing a wonderful job and trying so very hard for Malteser nobody could possibly do more for their bun than you are doing. I know you will continue to help him. He sounds like he is making very good progress so keep up the good work
  14. M

    Malteser - short diary of EC recovery - He has been a real trooper - we're very lucky

    more vibes for Malteser so pleased to hear of his continued progress. :wave:
  15. M

    Malteser - short diary of EC recovery - He has been a real trooper - we're very lucky

    so pleased it worked out well for you going to see Caroline - she is the only vet I would trust with my four :wave: sorry meant to add this to last post but pressed submit too soon
  16. M

    Malteser - short diary of EC recovery - He has been a real trooper - we're very lucky

    bless him - lots and lots of vibes from me - he is gorgeous and you are doing a great job with him :wave:
  17. M

    Malteser - short diary of EC recovery - He has been a real trooper - we're very lucky

    my old bunny Tyson is going to start a course of acupuncture with Caroline very soon. She gave him a trial of it recently and he relaxed and really calmed while it was being carried out and she thinks it will help with his aches and pains (old age). I know Caroline has used acupunture on Kay's...
  18. M

    Do bunnies feel abandoned when they go into holiday boarding?

    my four love going to kay's when i go on holiday but she does spoil them. Please don't worry too much as you obviously have to go on your honeymoon and enjoy yourself - if you can get someone to house-sit great but if not there are lots of really good bunny hotels around where she will be well...
  19. M

    Pledge a Pound January 2011 - JANUARY WINNERS ANNOUNCED POST 103

    my pound should have a pound from me now :wave: