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Search results

  1. R

    London Pet Show

    Wow! Talk about busy! *Really interesting, though. Galens Garden is there, and what a nice lady Belinda is! *They aren't selling anything at the show, just giving advice and information, but telling customers when they order to quote a code that I'm not actually supposed to mention...but it's...
  2. R

    Help end the factory farming of rabbits - see page 2 for form letters

    Early Day Motion to end the factory farming of rabbits http://www.four-paws.org.uk/website/output.php?id=1192&idcontent=1990&language=1 WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT TO END THE FACTORY FARMING OF RABBITS As you may be aware, Four Paws campaigns to end the factory farming of rabbits in cages...
  3. R

    Hopping Mad e-Zine

    You may not know of Hopping Mad. It's packed full of information about rabbits. It can be found here www.hoppingmad.org
  4. R

    Beware imported Alfalfa hay

    http://www.thehorse.com/ViewArticle.aspx?ID=18335 This is every bit as dangerous for small furries as it is for horses. Please be very careful if you are feeding alfalfa hay imported from the USA, eg Oxbow, Alfalfa King.
  5. R

    Rabbit Nutrition and Nutritional Healing - Lucile Moore

    Message from Lucile Moore Lucile hasn't been able to get onto the forum herself and has asked me to post this on her behalf >>When I wrote the nutrition book it was really a challenge to try and condense a tremendous amount of information into a relatively short and affordable volume...
  6. R

    Bournemouth area - buzzards warning

    This message is from a good friend of mine from a Yahoo group. The information was given to her by her vet, Tom Mowlem of Companion Care in Bournemouth. "There are three pairs of nesting buzzards in the Bournemouth area - a pair in the parkland behind us and two pairs in a nearby park. Tom...
  7. R

    Here we go again!

    Daily Mail, 25th May 2011. Sandra Parsons' column. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1390569/Penny-Johnson-No-woman-deserves-6m-botched-nip-tuck.html Quote The rabbits turned out to be scratch and not cuddly at all. The run needed mucking out every morning and you can guess who...
  8. R

    Fife Rabbit Rescue - Rabbit Awareness Week

    Fife Rabbit Rescue is taking full part in Rabbit Awareness Week, 23rd - 29th May. Advice will be available on all aspects of keeping rabbits, grooming, nail trimming, information on vaccinations and visitors' questions about their rabbit, or about adoption will be answered. All are welcome...
  9. R

    Rabbit Battery Farms - IMPORTANT, Please Read

    bunnyhugga.com now has an online petition to be presented to Prime Minister David Cameron appealing for him to intervene and put pressure on Nottinghamshire council (and we hope others) to deny planning permission for battery farms for rabbits. Please crosspost widely and please sign, no matter...
  10. R

    Membership to RWAF

    It's definitely worth being a member, for the magazine alone, let alone all the great work RWAF does in publicising all sorts of rabbit welfare issues, the helpline, providing training for vets, etc. I've been a member for years (with a bit of a lapse when I simply had to choose between my...
  11. R

    Please take a minute to help a Texas sanctuary and the UVIC rabbits

    The University of Victoria in Canada had many dumped rabbits in its grounds and was going to 'solve the problem' by killing them all! Many volunteers stepped in to save them and they were captured a few months ago and transported to various sanctuaries in Canada and the USA. Now there's a new...
  12. R

    Myxi in Canvey Island, Essex

    Reported by a member of a Yahoo group today. His vet has said he expects this year to be a bad one.
  13. R

    HOMECHECK Middlesbrough

    If this is still waiting to be done, I could help. I live on Wearside so only half an hour away
  14. R

    HOMECHECK Middlesbrough

    If this is still waiting to be done, I could help. I live on Wearside so only half an hour away
  15. R

    Problem in Ayr

    The person who witnessed it did complain to the council and also tried to get the SSPCA to take a stand but got a complete nil response, which is why she brought it to the forum I read it on to get people to act as well. A few of us have complained to the council but all we've had is the...
  16. R

    Problem in Ayr

    Hi, I don't live in Ayr, but somebody who does posted on another forum about the dreadful condition of the animals at Belleisle Pets' Corner. She has contacted the SSPCA - as yet no joy from them!. She also contacted the Animal Welfard Office for South Ayrshire She says that This is a...