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Search results

  1. L

    Thinking of rehoming - lots of advice needed

    Hi guys :) I havent been here in a while - I rehomed a lovely little black doe a couple of years ago from here to be a girlfriend for my Lionhead Leo (if Daisy's old owner comes on here - she is still going strong and they are still very much in love ;)). I wasnt really thinking of getting...
  2. L

    For people with very hairy bunnies...

    I have a very hairy Lionhead and I was just wondering how yours all cope with the heat? Our house isnt too warm. I turn the fire off and let it cool before bringing him in, and the heating isnt on high (if we turn it off we all freeze!). But Leo always seems to be breathing hard and he lies down...
  3. L

    Wild Bunnies

    Finally I have some people who might be interested to see this picture! I took it at the stables one day when turning my horse out... We have lots and lots of wild black bunnies round there. I once saw a little black baby one sat under a trailer, it was absolutely tiny. Is that unusual...
  4. L

    Dried Fruit?

    A quick question... Im the kind of person who is always worried Im going to accidentally poison my animals so hope you can help :oops:. A while ago I bought some treats from the pet shop my other half manages - I gave them to my rabbit and guinea pigs and they loved them. It was a tub of dried...
  5. L

    New Bun wanted :) (female, sheffield)

    I hope this is okay here, Im new and cant post in the Rabbits in Need section, which is where I thought it should go. Hopefully if its wrong someone can move it :oops: . I am new, as I said :wave: , and Im looking for a new friend for my rabbit. He was living alone and very lonely, so Ive just...