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Search results

  1. L

    Rabbit Pulling Out Fur - Note (!)

    I am fully aware that female rabbits pull their own fur out in order to make a nest, but my rabbit has been pulling fur out of herself for a few days now and is even going bald in places. She seems to be pulling alot out! Is this normal?
  2. L

    Rabbit Illness [Please Note!]

    I am concerned about my Rabbit, he's been acting strange all day, he seems to be off his food, but he is drinking. He seems to be breathing funny & shivering slightly. I intend to take him to the vets tomorrow. Any ideas of what could be wrong?
  3. L

    Introducing Rabbits and Guinea Pigs (Please read!!)

    Hello, I am new to the site, so please bare with me. Had 2 rabbits, from babies one female one male, which were companions. Lost female rabbit, so 3 year old male is left alone and depressed. Introduced him to a 4 month old rabbit, don't know sex, which he attacked. So I returned to shop...