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Search results

  1. M

    Bunny hasn't eaten all day! Help!!

    Hi, i'm really worried about my bunny. She hasn't eaten her pellets or piece of carrot or her hay. I just tried to tempt her with an apple but she wasn't responding. She isn't sleeping with her legs fully stretched out. If we try and lift her up to see if shes hurt, she just jerks away. She...
  2. M

    Get a 4th bun or bond existing buns?

    :wave: Our first pair of rabbits (both females) get on really well as they were together in PaH. We bought a third one a month later, but she doesn't get on with the other two. :( They chase her and she gets really frightened as soon as they approach her in the garden. The dominant one is much...
  3. M

    Where to buy Science Selective pellets?

    :wave: I want to switch from the PaH pellets to SS but i'm not sure where to get them. I've tried the Hay Experts but they are £15 for a 10KG bag and postage&packing is a lot.
  4. M

    Hutch without floor

    :wave: The new hutch has no floor and the garden is purely pebbles with the odd paving slab. Just wondering if we built a wooden platform to put the hutch on, what kind of floor would we put on top of that? We tried lino a while ago but they chewed it all :lol:
  5. M

    Dry skin after spay

    Hi, my bunny has got really dry skin on his belly after the spay. Its pretty much flaking. The vet said to go back in a week if it hasn't cleared up, is there anything i can do in the meantime?
  6. M

    New hutch(es) for 3 rabbits needed

    :wave: We have 3 rabbits, 2 get on fine but not with the 3rd rabbit who was bought later. They've been speyed today so we're hoping to bond them soon :shock: Currently, 2 live in 1 hutch/run and the 3rd one lives alone in his own hutch/run. We're thinking of getting new homes as these ones...
  7. M

    Which hutch is suitable?

    Hi, i'm new :wave: I have 3 rabbits, 2 of which live together and the other on her own, but we'd like to get them together (somehow!!). Anyway, i've found 2 hutches which seem reasonable but the Pets At Home one we have now is awful so i want to make sure i get a decent one this time...