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Search results

  1. W

    Goodbye to my sweet bunsters

    I havnt been on here in such a long while....but thats for another thread:shock: But i have suffered with a very unfortunate few months. I must be doing something wrong:cry: Atticus, my beautiful black velveteen lop was PTS after contracting Myxi, Aug09 Broke my heart, Atticus had such a...
  2. W


    I havnt been on here for ages....havnt deserted you, but, well, life has been hectic. I would like to thank everyone who helped with Mo...life has settled down a bit now, and although Mo has left a huge gap in my life, i am now *just about* ready to find Rudolph a new friend as he is ever so...
  3. W

    Mo..Sweet dreams baby girl

    I know Jane has posted about my Mo, but i feel i should do it. She is my bunny afterall. Mo was my baby girl, A very very much loved bunny. I only hope that Mo knew i still loved her...and even though i wasnt with her, there hasnt been a day go by that i havnt thought of her, prayed for her...
  4. W

    Hula animal rescue

    ..I have just had a letter from Hula animal rescue, where i got one of my rabbits and they are having an open day on 16th march. It looks like it is going to be a good event and i am looking forward to going:) The rabbit welfare association will be there too, as the theme this month is rabbits...
  5. W


    I think Amber has got the wrong end of the stick when it comes to walkies....!
  6. W


    I just love it when rudolph puts his little feet on his bowl like this! So cute!
  7. W

    Rudolph says....

    Thank you Jane for being ever such a nice host. I really enjoyed my stay with you! I am happy to be home now, where i can rule the roost, and i hope my lady, Mo can some home soon, although i know she will need lots of peace and quiet, and time on her own. I just can't help meself and i forget...
  8. W


    is it viable on a rabbit? My big conti, Mo..who has suffered with sore and infected hocks(they have detiorated alot) is walking about on 3 legs.....i was thinking about the possibilities of having her really bad leg amputated. Has anyone ever had this done on a bunny? Or do you think it is...
  9. W


    I would like you all to meet the new addition to our family:D Rudolph. After having my gorgeous Roman PTS i couldn't bear Mo to be lonely(my big white conti) so i got Rudolph from the local Animal rescue centre (HULA) He is only 20 weeks old and is an orange rex. He is mad as well and luckily...
  10. W

    Beautiful Roman

    My beautiful boy Roman. My adorable HuggaBun is no longer with us. Out of the blue, he got ill and yesterday i had to make the heart rending decision to have him PTS. This is a decision that will lay heavy on my heart. I am heartbroken and i feel empty. His companion bunny, Mo is now alone and...
  11. W

    Honey v anti-biotics?

    Everyone knows that long term use of anti-biotics mean the germs and bacteria become resilient(sp) to the abx...this is the case for humans anyway and i would have thought it the same with animals...abx also kill off good bacteria. My husband is a huge fan of honey...good quality 100% honey...
  12. W

    Got to the point....

    Of just not knowing what to do anymore!:cry: My Conti, Mo is obviously going to suffer with sore hocks for the rest of her life...that is pretty much guaranteed...my task now is to make the rest of her life as comfortable as possible. She has been on a permenant course of anti-biotics now for...
  13. W

    Contradicting vets...

    You try and do your best for your fur babies, but when they need long term veterinary treatment you end up getting contradictory advice!:? I have just seen the vet again for Mo..but i had to see a different vet, and i was told the painkillers i was giving Mo were fine but the dosage was way too...
  14. W

    My daft bunnies!

    I just LOVE the way my bunnies sleep together! The dark one is my french lop, Roman, and the white one is my Conti, Mo.:)
  15. W

    Sore hocks

    My big white bunny Mo has had sore hocks for a while now. She is a continental giant so is on the large side! She has been undergoing treatment from the vet for some time...baytril and painkillers. But it is getting worse:( It doesnt help in that she is very mucky, and the medicine seems to be...
  16. W

    Hi there!

    Well, I have just registered here, so thought i had better make a quick introduction!:wave: Im Willow.... Mmmmm, well the most relevent point i could make is I have 2 wonderful Bunnies who share my home... They are house bunnies and they are Roman, who is a french lop (he is in my avatar)...