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Search results

  1. L

    In Memory of May - RIP April 09

    RIP Dear May (right) much loved and missed, never forgotten Lin, girls and your beloved Barley xxx
  2. L

    Bitten by annoyed bun - treatment?

    I was giving (or at least trying to give) May her probiotic medication tonight and she was objecting strongly - she sunk her teeth into my arm, through my fleecy coat I might add - I have 3 little teeth marks on my inner arm, she has drawn blood but there is no pain - do I need tetanus or...
  3. L

    Is my cold dangerous to my rabbits?

    I've got quite a bad cold at the moment and I was wondering whether it posed any problems to my rabbits? I remember that one of our hamsters died a few years back after catching my cold - human colds are potentially fatal to hamsters. Wondering if it's okay to get close to the buns or delegate...
  4. L

    Barley and May pics

    Here are a few pics of Barley and May - and my cat Sam who's determined to be friendly - they all get on great by the way :D My daughter decided to lie down whilst the buns were out to see what they did, she got a lovely bunny massage! Enjoy... Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4 Pic 5 Pic 6 Pic 7
  5. L

    Have a look at this great Bunny Blog

    Check this site out - some wonderful pictures. http://gardenplotter.com/rospo/blog/labels/rabbits.html
  6. L

    Garden security - fence question

    Where can I get the small fence panels (wire?) that folks use to keep rabbits in a specific safe area - am I making sense? I read a thread yesterday where someone had a beautiful new shed/hutch and around the perimeter area of the lawn, there were small fence panels about 2' high...
  7. L

    Buns in the Sun

    Just snook a look at Barley and May before I went shopping and they look soooooo sweet together, sunbathing in their hutch. When I get back then can come out for a play. It's very much the 'aaaahhhh' factor here: Sooo sweet :D
  8. L

    Clever Bunnies

    Browsing through You Tube whilst waking up slowly! I found some excellent videos, here are the links: Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Hope this works
  9. L

    Neutering/Uterine Cancer

    Snowy has suggested it would be a good idea for me to post this information here - it's in the signature also. Basically, if you have a female rabbit and don't intend to breed from her, PLEASE, have her neutered. Un-neutered rabbits have an 80% chance of developing uterine cancer and I know...
  10. L

    Bun Hotel/Rescue

    Do you have to have special Council permission to run a Bunny Rescue/Hotel - we are thinking of doing this in memory of Chloe and Tinky? Thanks
  11. L


    Tinkerbelle went over the Rainbow Bridge on 8th May 2007. She was only ill for about 3 days over the May Day holiday, I took her to vet as her toilet habits had changed, vet checked and said possible cancer - go back after the weekend. Over the weekend she did not seem right, blood, strange...
  12. L

    Hello, newbie here

    Hi, Lin here. Mom to Sam, black and white cat who we adopted about 7 months ago and to Chloe - white Netherland Dwarf and Tinkerbelle - French Lop. Unfortunately both of the rabbits have passed over the Rainbow Bridge and we are looking for a new friend or two. Looking forward to meeting you...