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Search results

  1. D

    RIP Black and white cat

    Thanks for all your kind words. I'm glad I stopped, he didn't die in pain, and was shown love until the end. He gave me a 'look' when I picked him up as if to say thanks.
  2. D

    RIP Black and white cat

    So sad. Today on my way to work I saw a cat struggling at the side of the road, dragging itself up the verge. I stopped and befriended it as it was terrified. I picked him up and put him in my boot, took him straight to my vets as they don't PTS even if no owner traced. He was a lovely big black...
  3. D

    Living with headtilt

    No wonder you didn't want to see that vet again!!!
  4. D

    Living with headtilt

    When Desmond was like this I just did excactly what you have done, and made sure he had access to everything on one level. I blocked him going up anywhere too as didn't want him falling. Sounds like you have done everything. They cope so well though don't they?!
  5. D

    I'm so excited!!!! :D another U/D pg 1! I brought a shed!

    I have posted pics of my shed interior in my thread on this page. Will take some more pics later of the way I have attached the run, and also how bunnies can be shut in the shed, or in the run.
  6. D

    My shed interior - any feedback welcome

    It does have a big window, but photo taken in the dark and without flash!! Douglas doesn't use the ramp, and Desmond couldn't climb anything due to his EC, will have to see what the new bunny thinks of it and possibly add some bits of wood going across to make some grip? If she can jump up then...
  7. D

    Run flooring

    How about a piece of lino? Can easily be brushed, and washed and lifted off to clean underneath.
  8. D

    My shed interior - any feedback welcome

    Hi, this is my shed set up at the moment. It is 6x4 foot and has an attached run. Douglas is living here on his own at the moment as Desmond sadly passed away this week, but I have reserved Douglas a girlfriend from a rescue so bonding will start soon. Any ideas on improvement welcomed, or if...
  9. D

    Desmond. RIP 17/10/12

    Going to be so sad going and giving Douglas his breakfast as Desmond would always come running to the front of the shed to be first in line for food!
  10. D

    Desmond. RIP 17/10/12

    Poor Desmond has given up his fight. He was only 5 years old so I was hoping for more happy years. He has battled alot though, syphillis three times, EC, incontinence and fly strike this July. He was a tough little fighter but must've given up last night. Yesterday he was fine, ate breakfast and...
  11. D

    How do you know when it is time to let them go?

    Why are animals so heartbreaking? I feel so upset about Desmond and Douglas. Desmond has lost the use of one of his back legs, is still incontinent, and sometimes can't upright himself, but he is still eating, happy to see me etc. I have put them back in their shed today so they had more room...
  12. D

    How do you know when it is time to let them go?

    Just asking for general advice of course my rabbits will see a vet. Desmond has recovered from fly strike, but is still incontinent of urine due to EC last year. This means that he is at a great risk of getting flystrike again. His back end doesn't really work properly, one of his legs is a but...
  13. D

    Best food to 'fatten' a rabbit?

    He lost weight due to feeling sorry for himself whilst being treated for and recovering from fly strike. He is better in himself now, although a bit bald round his back end. He has had EC, and is incontinent due to this. He is well now though. Their main diet is excel pellets for adult rabbits...
  14. D

    Best food to 'fatten' a rabbit?

    Since Desmond seems to be fighting everything to stay alive, after his fly strike due to urinary incontinence from EC, he has lost weight over the last couple of weesks since the fly strike incident. He is eating everything, and forever hungry. He has changed from a scaredy bun who runs away...
  15. D

    Fly strike - update page 7 with picture (not yucky)

    Thanks for well wishes. He is doing well today. Eating like mad, and when I let him out for a run around, even some wonky hopping. He is getting quite wet round his back end, but can't wash him yet due to rear guard. Still both indoors. They are funny, whenever I go in the room, they stand like...
  16. D

    Fly strike - update page 7 with picture (not yucky)

    Yes, both neutered. Desmond is incontinent. I will just clean out loads. Douglas uses his litter tray, Desmond used to but sadly not anymore.
  17. D

    Fly strike - update page 7 with picture (not yucky)

    No, just general rabbit wee smell. They are in one room with the door shut, so that rooms smells like wee and hay. I have put down some litter on top of the newspaper so hopefully that will absorb more.
  18. D

    And they call it, bunny looooooooooove.....

    Love the last one.
  19. D

    All of our bunnies

    What a great collage that would make. So cute. Must be hard to know which one to cuddle first!
  20. D

    Fly strike - update page 7 with picture (not yucky)

    Desmond is on the right. Who would think he has caused me so much heart ache over the last couple of days. I have not put rearguard on his broken areas. I have tried to put some on him, and also some cream to sooth the skin affected by his incontinence, but he must be feeling better as he is...