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Search results

  1. A

    Help with bonding in Lancaster/Morecambe area

    Hello Had a bit of a nightmare really. We adopted a young but not a baby 'female' bunny from the Pets at Home rehoming section to attempt a bond with our very laid back mini lop Bob who recently lost his longterm partner. We took things slowly and both were getting on fine. After a while the...
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    Sleep tight girlie bun xx

    Don't normally post on here but always look for advice and guidance and sometimes just funny pics of buns to cheer me up. Got home from work today and my girlie bun Amber was gone. Am so sad as she was such a good natured bun and will be missed terribly by all of us, especially her best friend...
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    Wagg Optimum Pellets

    My two buns, Bob a mini lop and Amber a lionhead have been on Supa Excel since I have had them and on the whole I have been very pleased with their condition on the pellets. However, lately Amber seems to have been having a mucky bum. There has been no change in the amount of pellets given which...
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    less active than normal but unsettled

    Hi Got home from work today and Bob who is normally such an active bun seems quite lethargic and unsettled. He is a house bun who normally lives under the dining table but has access to an indoor cage at all times. Today his appetite doesn't seem as good as it normally is and he is spending more...
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    White mark????

    After spending time with the buns this morning I noticed that Bob had a white mark on his eyeball. At first I thought it was simply 'sleepy' in his eye. I have tried to wipe his eye but he doesn't stay still for long enough so haven't ruled this out totally. It also resembles a very small...
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    Phantom Pregnancy?

    Hi Our doe Amber has decided to build a nest in the corner of the dining room. Both her and Bob are free range downstairs. Bob is neutered and Amber is due to be spayed later this month. (Can neutering be unsuccessful?) Am I right in presuming that this is a phantom pregnancy? I also want to...
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    Bonding and Neutering?

    Hi all We adopted Amber a two year old lionhead on Friday. She is an ex breeding doe and has had two litters in the past. Bonding with Bob (neutered) has gone really well (touch wood). No agression just lots of grooming and affection. They seem pretty much insepearable now. My question is, is...
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    Hi all Very excited, after much thought we got Bob the neutered minilop a companion. She arrived today. She is a beautiful lionhead called Amber, aged 2. She has been bred from in the past but has now been retired. She is in absoloutely beautiful condition and extremely friendly. We have just...
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    Hi all, just after a bit of advice. After long, long discussions my OH and myself have decided to get Bob the mini lop :D a companion. Bob doesn't seem lonely as he is around us most of the time and loves affection but we think it is the right decision for him. My question is the female...
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    Hi My minilop Bobby has recently been neutered and has begun to wee on our leather setee. Now I am perfectly aware of how animals and good furniture are pretty much incompatible but I am curious as to why he has started doing this after neutering. He never did this before and surely neutering...
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    Rabbits and toys

    Hi all Just a quick question, does anyone elses buns not really use the toys you give them? I have tried virtually every toy, bought and home made that I can think of and Bobby just looks at me as if to say 'what am I meant to do with that?' Any ideas about toys I might not have tried yet would...
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    Suitable bedding after neutering

    Hi Yet another question about neutering. My male mini lop is being neutered tomorrow and I am slightly unsure about what to line his indoor cage with once he is home. i usually use megasorb litter, would this be ok post op? My other thought was to simply line his cage with a clean towel, no...
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    Hi all Just a quick note to introduce myself. My name is Karen, i'm a twenty six year old Religious Studies teacher and live with my partner of seven years and my first bun, Bobby in lancaster. Bobby is a five month old house bun, sooty fawn mini lop and is absolutely gorgeous. Never had a bun...