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Search results

  1. V

    Yay Gizmo and Harley are bonded

    Well it's finally happened our latest addition 11 month old harlequin doe called Harley has moved in with our male Gizmo. We got Harley from Jane's Rabbit Rescue in Warwick about a month ago. It was love at first sight for Harley but Gizmo wasn't too sure. We've took it steady and now they...
  2. V

    Fuzzy goes walkabout!!!

    Got such a huge shock today when I got back from work today. Just as I was getting out of my car my neighbour came over and told me that Fuzzy had got out at nine this morning and was running about in the road :shock: :shock: I told her this was unlikely as my four buns are house buns for a...
  3. V

    Gizmo's teeth again!!

    Last night Gizmo had a bit of a scuffle with Trinny (his potential girlfriend). As I was checking them both over I noticed that he had broken ont of his bottom front teeth and the other was very wobbly :!: I rushed him to the vets this morning to get him checked out. The vet has admitted him and...
  4. V

    How long to wait after neutering?

    Gizmo our newest edition to the household has been neutered now for just over three weeks. Tony and I want to get him bonded with a doe for company as he's kept on his own in the spare room. Our other bonded pair don't get on with him, especially our 1st male Fuzzy. How long should we wait...
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    Gizmo neutered today need advice.

    Gizmo has been neutered today and I've just brought him home. He is very quiet laying on a blanket in his cage. The vet said he'd been syringe fed & had a nibble on some dandelions. He's had painkillers & antibiotics. I've just given him some dandelions but he doesn't seem at all bothered...
  6. V

    The terrible two's??

    I'm wondering if my bunnies Fuzzy & Snowball are being naughty cos they are nearing 2 years old just like kids. They have great delight in ripping wallpaper of the walls all round the house, not to meinton having the odd strop every now and then. The other day they found some tealight candles...
  7. V

    Decorating Bunnies

    Hi there, I've finally managed to register after a few technical hitches. I the bunny mummy to Fuzzy, Snowball and Gizmo and currently fostering Lilo & Stich you've probably heard all about these from my partner Tony who also posts messages from time to time. I'm really starting to think that...