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Search results

  1. B

    sisterly bunny love

    Hello, Nutmeg has been to the vets for a few days. Tummy issues She's back home now larger than life.:) Pepper her sister stayed at home all sulky, Whilst Nutmeg was away I moved some furniture around in our lounge, and pepper took to sitting in a little hidy hole that she found. Since...
  2. B

    life time of hoovering

    We decided to give the rabbits unlimited run of the downstairs in the house. two issues.. I am continuously hoovering up rabbit droppings and hay. They have a litter tray in the lounge which has straw in it, this gets dragged everywhere and a hutch in the hallway, which also has lots of hay...
  3. B

    recovery from dental work

    One of my bunnies, nutmeg, had her teeth rasped on Tuesday, now shes back at home fine, back to normal. The Vet has given us some Bio Lapis for her, but what does it actually do. She really does not want to drink the solution. She's eating her hay and pellets and drinking water as normal...
  4. B

    Hi there

    Hello everyone, I'm Bec and I'm the mum of two feisty lady bunnies, nutmeg and pepper, they are dwarf lop/ lionhead x and just over 1 yrs old.