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Search results

  1. L

    Cage ideas

    http://homepage.mac.com/mattocks/morfz/nic.html That website has some really great DIY cage ideas.
  2. L

    a few behaviour questions

    I don't know about the nonalpha humping but watch out if the humpee becomes agressive. If his head is being humped he can bite bits which could be very bad. Also the grooming is a sign of submission and affection. The top bunny will show his dominance by pushing his head under the others to...
  3. L

    Farewell Treacle bun

    Run free baby boy. You will be missed and you will always be loved. *hugs and bunny kisses from me and mine*
  4. L

    Treacle's breathing funny: He's gone

    I'm so sorry honey. Big hugs to you and yours.
  5. L

    Whats peoples views on injections???

    I'm guessing it depends on where you live. I see a lot of people in here give their rabbits regular shots but every vet I've talked to here in America says it's not terribly necessary. I haven't planned on shots for my bunnies.
  6. L

    Rabbit houses

    My bunnies have their cage that they live in with a pen attatched so they can run free (when I move the room will be bunny proofed so they'll have full run of it) but I'm wondering about what to floor it with. I've taken the shavings out because I'm still trying to litter train them and it would...
  7. L

    The Poor Bunnies!

    You don't have to wait that long to spay girls. My girls are 5 months old and just got spayed. It just depends on what age your buns breed hits sexual maturity. Average is 5-6 months according to my vet. But you can wait as long as you want if you're worried they're too young.
  8. L

    Bonding and trust

    I've had my babies for just over two weeks. Not long at all, I know. I was wondering if you guys had any advice on how to bond with them and gain their trust. I've been spending time with them letting them get used to my sent. Letting them come up to me. They take treats out of my hands and all...
  9. L

    Hello everyone

    Welcome! My buns had to go to the vet before Christmas because they got in a fight so I sympathize. But this fight wasn't nearly as bad as your's sounds like it was! Hope he feels better!
  10. L

    Hi - I'm new

    She's precious!
  11. L


    Hullo! Welcome to the group. :thumb:
  12. L

    As promised...pics of my babies!

    Thanks guys! I love them to pieces. I didn't really know anything about lionheads before the breeder showed them to me and I just had to have them!
  13. L

    Bunny eats all her bedding!

    You can give carrots and other green veggies just in moderation. If she's not used to eating vegetable and you suddenly give her a bunch it will give her diareha. Also make sure that any vegetable you give her is ok for her to eat (like potatoes are bad for bunnies with all the startch) carrots...
  14. L

    Bunny eats all her bedding!

    Dieting her will do that better than feeding her more. But yes, if you give her hay and an inedible bedding then you can better control her eating. It's the difference between you eating a single meal verses eating a buffet.
  15. L

    Bunny eats all her bedding!

    You should always allow rabbits unlimited hay. Getting some from a racetrack is okay so long as it's not alfalfa. Alfalfa is too high in calcium and other nutrients and can lead to things like kidney failure. Timothy hay is the best for rabbits.
  16. L

    Bunny eats all her bedding!

    Try changing her bedding. If using straw means she eats it and sits on what hurts her feet then give her her straw to eat and something else. Carefresh is a soft bedding that's okay if she nibbles a bit (but she probably wouldn't want to eat it).
  17. L

    As promised...pics of my babies!

    Here are my two babies... This is Pandora And this is Musette
  18. L

    Getting Holly Sprayed

    My two girls got spayed yesterday and are doing alright. The vet put 3 layers of sutures inside and skin glue on the outside so there are no visible stitches, nothing for them to pull on and nothing that will take another trip back to have removed. I think that's becoming a much more common...
  19. L

    I'm new!

    Hello all! I've just joined and wanted to say hello to all. I have 2 lovely lionhead sisters named Pandora and Musette. I've had them for just about 2 weeks and I'm loving every minute of it! I have pictures of them but they are rather large so I'll post them when I get them resized.