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Search results

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    When do rabbits stop growing?

    Petals is a dwarf lop. When can we expect her to stop growing? Thanks for any info. :)
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    A few questions.

    If we add another bunnie to our household and keep him/her with Petals, will it change Petal's personality?? She is the sweetest little thing and loves people and cuddling. If we get another one for her to bond with, will it make her less people friendly? When she is loose for her free time, she...
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    Clipping nails..

    Is there an easier way?? Tonight is the first time we attempted to clip Petal's nails. She was quite squirmy. I wrapped her in a tea towel, keeping her head covered. Is this going to scar her for life?? :lol: And I only clipped a bit, as I didn't want to hit the quick. Any tips for a newbie??
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    Traveling with rabbits?

    Hi everyone! Is it safe to travel by car with rabbits? The trip would be about 4hours in length. We are going to visit my parents for American Thanksgiving (we live in Canada, parents are in the US). Unless I find someone to come in and care for Petals, we'll be taking her with us if this...
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    Feeding question. Regarding Parsley..

    I was reading all the safe foods to give a bun. It said Parsley, but next to it it said it was a good tonic. What exactly does that mean?? Will it help settle an upset tummy?? My husband and I were going to buy Petals some parsley at the grocery store this morning, but neither of us knew if it...
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    A picture of Petals...

    I have been trying really hard to get a good picture of her. It's very difficult when all she wants to do is run around the room! :lol: So this one is ok. I'm sure in another month or so I will have perfected photographing her. :)
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    Litter training- What is the correct way?

    Hi everyone. We have a little 9week old dwarf lop that I'm trying to litter train. I've read a few different ways to do it, I'm just curious as to which way is better. One way is to move the dirty litter into the litter pan. The other way was to put the litter pan where she goes the most...
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    Hi everyone. :) Just came across this forum today. I'm hoping to learn quite a bit. We bought a dwarf lop for my 8yr old daughter. Of course, we know that an 8year old cannot be soley responsible for a bunnie, so I'm helping her care for her bun. She is the sweetest little thing (the bunnie...