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Search results

  1. N

    Started Bonding - shall I continue ?

    On the advice of my vet (rabbit savvy) , I’ve started introductions for my 6 month old doe and 10 week old buck . I had planned to wait at least 3 months until buck was neutered etc but the vet said the sooner it’s done the better . I have a pen in neutral territory and I’ve been popping them...
  2. N

    Proprofol used as an anaesthetic - has anyone had any bunnies with bad reactions?

    I lost my baby bun during a neuter ; the operation was never started as his little heart slowed down so quickly :( He was brought out of it but sadly never recovered . I’m devastated. He’s had minor operations before but a different anaesthetic was used and he was fine . Is this a harsher...
  3. N

    Will another rabbit living side by side be helpful for my grieving bunny?

    We lost Mabel’s bond mate during a neuter ; she’s only 5 months old and so was her mate. We got a new bunny very quickly because Mabel was pining for her mate. I’m going to start the bonding process but I have noticed she’s eating a bit more and is a bit more active now her new friend is near...
  4. N

    Newbie - Will this pair likely bond?

    My boy bunny died a few days ago :cry: He went in for a neuter and they didn’t even manage to start the op as a few minutes in , his heart stopped and they couldn’t revive him :cry: He was only 6 months old and has left behind his litter mate Mabel . A 6 month old female. I’ve already got...