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Search results

  1. V

    Fly Strike - Will My Rabbit Survive? :(

    Thank you all. I can't put into words the pain I felt and still feel, coming downstairs and having to cradle her stiff. We had a lovely funeral and she has a grave in the garden. I hope she's having fun in bunny heaven <3 x
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    Fly Strike - Will My Rabbit Survive? :(

    She died this morning :'( :'( :'(
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    Fly Strike - Will My Rabbit Survive? :(

    She's very fussy with food anyway. She has a muesli type food but she tends to pick out the more 'colourful' parts and doesn't eat much nuggets. When we've tried to switch her food to just nuggets, she's just refused to eat! Doesn't seem to eat lots of hay either despite switching hay types too...
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    Fly Strike - Will My Rabbit Survive? :(

    No she's not eating still :( the vet gave us liquid food to syringe into her mouth though and she is loving and licking that up though which is odd! She's always had a bit of a messy bum - she doesn't often clean herself and as a lionhead, she does have a lot of fur. I often have to clean her...
  5. V

    Fly Strike - Will My Rabbit Survive? :(

    My rabbit hasn't been eating very much the last couple of days, and I didn't notice any new poop in her cage. She looked fine and well and her ears were up and she was licking me - but I looked at her backside and noticed blood. I begged my parents to let me take her to the vet (but they weren't...