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Search results

  1. Nina_Sunset


    How do rabbits show submission? I have a 2 month old and 9 month old that started to get along the 2nd day I was bonding them. Now when ever my 9 month old, the female, Milly, goes in front of the two month old, the male, Louie, he'll hunker down with his head under Milly's chest. Is this a sign...
  2. Nina_Sunset


    I recently got a new baby bunny aside from my current 9 month old bunny. He just turned two months but sometimes (only twice) I noticed him sitting down and doing little jumps as if he were hiccuping (you know how when we hiccup we do a little jerk/jump). He was doing it for a minute or half a...
  3. Nina_Sunset

    Pine Pellet Bedding

    Okay, so I bought a forty pound bag of horse stall pine pellets from tractor supply. (I live in the U.S) I read reviews and a few people said it was safe for their rabbits, they used it all the time. I looked it up and lots of people say the SHAVINGS are harmful to the rabbit not the pellets...
  4. Nina_Sunset

    Needed Tips/Advice in Bonding

    I have a holland lop rabbit named Milly and I plan on getting her spayed at the end of July. I also planed on getting her a bunny friend so she's not lonely when I'm gone for long hours of the day considering she hates my dog. If you read my other post "Rabbit Attack 2 Problems"...
  5. Nina_Sunset

    Just A Little Money Saving

    If any of you have rabbits... as I'm sure you do, here's something you can feed them. Whether you have 1 or 20 rabbits, this bag of food will do you good. You can get the bag at a store called Tractor Supply. It's a 50lb plain pellet bag for 18.99. I have only one rabbit and I still have plenty...
  6. Nina_Sunset

    Rabbit Attacks 2 Problems

    I got my first rabbit in the end of December and/or beginning of January. She's a Holland Lop and she just turned six months old. When she was about 4 months, she attacked my hand for the first time in the cage, but I didn't pull away from her. She charged at my hand and kinda slammed her front...