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Search results

  1. S


    My cat meow meow is old. She has been around for 8 years. But today she was laying in the floor front legs crossed on her side. All of a sudden front legs began twitching and she had a blank stare on her face, and did not respond to my talking to her. I think it was a small seizure as this has...
  2. S

    Stop whole foods!

    http://rabbit.org/tell-whole-foods-to-stop-killing-bunnies/ Please look at this, and help take action against whole foods deciding to sell rabbit meat in their stores. Meat farms are cruel, and terrible places. Please step up, together we can make a difference for these rabbits. They deserve...
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    Me and my Buns

    Hello, I am Scarlet. A 30 year old from the state of Georgia. I currently own 5 buns now, Treble cleft passed this past 4th. She leaves behind her beloved husbun Bass Cleft. Bunnie and clyde, and Jessica and roger rabbit. We all live in the same house, along with their Daddy my husband Nicky. Me...
  4. S

    Binky free my percious Treble. 7-4-2015

    This july4th was not happy as so many others was. I lost my lovely Treble Bun. I will never forget the day I found you. Me and your Daddy were camping in our usual spot. And I had gone out to find fire wood. 15 minutes into my endeavor I spotted a burlap sack that was moving. Upon accessing the...