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  1. T

    Advice needed about neigbours buns please

    Thank you all very much for your replies. My internet went down just after writing this, so I apologise for not replying yesterday. It's very difficult as she is a friend I don't want to lose, but something seriously needs to be done. I managed to come out relatively unscathed this morning. I...
  2. T

    Advice needed about neigbours buns please

    Please could I have some advice? My friend has gone on holiday for a week and rather than boarding, she asked her neighbour to look after them. Long story short her neighbour had to cancel, so the morning of her holiday in desperation she asked if I could look after them instead. I felt that I...
  3. T

    Buns been Neutered today advice please :)

    Thank you for the well wishes. I'm pleased to report that both buns are doing very well this morning! I managed to get the Metacam into Benny via syringe (it's a miracle!) Smudge ended up having his on the pellets. (long story involving much running/catching/running!) They both even let me pick...
  4. T

    Buns been Neutered today advice please :)

    Thank you ashbunny :wave:
  5. T

    Buns been Neutered today advice please :)

    Thank you both tulsi and tonibun, that's reassuring to hear. Although definitely not 100% benny is definitely more lively than early. Hes nibbled a little hay and weed and pooed. Phew! :wave: Hopefully come pellet time tomorrow they will both feel a bit better..... :roll:
  6. T

    Buns been Neutered today advice please :)

    Thanks for your reply Catherine. How's Sweep doing? Benny's managed a little bit of hay and a couple of nibbles of a fibrefirst stick just now. I don't think he has pooed, but he literally hasn't moved in the hour that he's been home. I wonder if he is probably still drowsy from the GA...
  7. T

    Buns been Neutered today advice please :)

    Well today Benjamin and Smudge have finally been neutered. They Will be 6 months on Saturday. I've bought both boys home and they are currently in their indoor cage. They've got vet bed with a blanket on top (Benny doesn't like the feel of the vet bed lol), they have their litter tray with...
  8. T

    Vibes for Sweepy..

    Ahh poor Sweep. I hope he gets well soon and you don't spend the next few days worrying TOO much :love:
  9. T

    Are mine the only rabbits......

    Mine won't sleep on anything other than a cold hard floor or their carpet square they have! It will be interesting to see if that changes over winter?
  10. T

    Megazorb - worth a try?

    We used to use Megazorb, but it got everywhere! The buns are indoor and would traipse it through the house. I was constantly hoovering up! We switched to Fitch a couple of months ago and can not recommend it highly enough! No smell, highly absorbant and the pieces stay in the litter tray
  11. T

    Flies in the bunny shed again :(

    Have you tried lavender? Since putting too large pots of it outside the playroom (where the bunnies live) they have definitely reduced! I've also sown some seeds ready for next year too :)
  12. T

    Cleaning the hutch - wee problem

    Could you not move the litter tray to where they are weeing? It would hopefully encourage them to use it, if its placed in their chosen area!
  13. T

    When will Milo and Finn ''Drop'' ? (UPDATE:PHOTOS)

    Randomly my buns are 18 weeks old too. Neither of them have dropped yet! They are booked into the vets again on monday to be checked, but nothing has changed from 4 weeks ago. Like you, I would have thought that they would br vidible now. Thankfully they are the best of friends and dont (yet)...
  14. T

    Worried about Skye :-( - weight loss UD 8th July another GA

    Hope you get some answers re Skye soon x
  15. T

    Excess caecels?

    Thank you for this, its good to know :wave:
  16. T

    Excess caecels?

    Thank you all so much for your replies. Sorry im a bit late getting back to you, I've just returned from my first zumba class (and found a new hell!:evil:) If I were toremove the pellets all in one go, would it cause any gut problems? Or do I reduce slowly? Also if I were to remove the pellets...
  17. T

    Excess caecels?

    I've noticed that Smudge hasn't been eating his caecels. It started a couple of weeks ago, when he would leave the odd one or too. I wasn't too concerned as he is otherwise fit and healthy. But the for the last 3 days I've noticed that is is leaving bunches of them. Yesterday there were 3...
  18. T

    an alternative litter to back 2 nature?

    I use fitch for the litter tray. We did use megazorb, but I found it went everywhere!
  19. T

    Vibes for Maia

    Oh my gosh im so sorry :( Binky free maia xx
  20. T

    The Healthy Pet Club?

    I have this with my vet. I'm not confident in clippimg nails, so it will pay for itself for me :D Gem, I wonder if we use the same vet? You're only down the road from me!