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Search results

  1. bunnynewbie.x

    Treat for rabbits

    Hi i am looking for atternitive veg treats for my rabbits either than carrots. Any ideas welcome xx Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  2. bunnynewbie.x

    Humphrey and Hazel bonding

    Hazel and Humphery are making good progress as had hazel since 24.11.13. and she been a only bunny til today. The dark one is the boy me and my partner adopted him today so hoping they will mix well once he has been nutered next wednesday. They r bonding well got his cage next to hers so they r...
  3. bunnynewbie.x

    My rabbits

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2 Got my boy today so introducing them aa he got to be nutered b4 humphrey and hazel mix :)
  4. bunnynewbie.x

    sore hocks on a rex rabbit

    hello :wave: My name is Ann-Marie and me and my partner brought a rex rabbit in nov 2013 called hazel. A few months ago we noticed she had sore hocks, so we took her to the vet and the vet squeezed puss out of 1 hock gave us some antibiotics for her for 10 10day we went back to a follow up...
  5. bunnynewbie.x

    Introducing a new bunny

    hi, :wave: This is my 1st post and unsure if this will get read, I am after some advice I have had my bunny since November 2013 for a birthday present from my partner never had a pet before and I am learning as I go, I am worried about getting her spaded because of the risk of her dying, i am...