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Search results

  1. O

    Herbal Remedies

    Has anyone seen their rabbits actively seeking clay to eat? It seem a lot of plant eaters do this to maintain good gut function.
  2. O

    Help Constant Milk Production

    Toothpaste is just what it looks: like, the vet didn't even suggest removing it only lancing it will this not stop the problem? She is on antibiotic injections do you think she will still need to have it removed and will it be the whole mammary gland? Sorry for so many questions but with the...
  3. O

    Any problems after giving 'Natures Touch' treats?

    You have really upset me by calling me a lier and insinuating that my reasons for starting this thread are less than honourable I hope that makes you very happy.
  4. O

    Any problems after giving 'Natures Touch' treats?

    I will treat that comment with the contempt it deserves.
  5. O

    Any problems after giving 'Natures Touch' treats?

    No this is not a dodgy thread I am a concerned animal lover I have four rabbits and two degu's I am trying to raise the attention to a possible problem if that makes me a bad person then so be it. I also happen to have a horticultural degree and have worked in the commercial horticulture...
  6. O

    Help Constant Milk Production

    I am daily bathing with saline and squeezing thick white discharge( I hope milk) from the lance site I don't think it is pus as it not yellowed and doesn't smell but is very thick has anyone had to do this? She is back at the vets Wednesday morning but would like to hear your opinions.
  7. O

    Herbal Remedies

    Did you use it for a particular ailment or just to maintain good health?
  8. O

    Herbal Remedies

    lol I was just wondering how you got your buns to take cough mixture!:lol:
  9. O

    Any problems after giving 'Natures Touch' treats?

    Our organic products are all certified according to the rigorous standards of the Soil Association. Many are also certified under the National Organic Program (NOP) of the US Department for Agriculture. If there was a problem then it may effect smaller rodents such as degu's and not a larger...
  10. O

    Herbal Remedies

    Trying to gather information on any herbal remedies you may have tried and whether they worked.
  11. O

    Help Constant Milk Production

    Cheeky feeling a little better and much happier now she is back with the other rabbits. I have been putting the sage in the communal areas but the only one who eats it is Cheeky it is almost as if she is trying to self medicate.
  12. O

    Any problems after giving 'Natures Touch' treats?

    Just a warning, the poor owner is heart broken and still waiting for a response from p@h, you would think they would be on the phone straight away.
  13. O

    Any problems after giving 'Natures Touch' treats?

    well done you that's why Im selling only organic flowers and herbs too. I'm a horticulturist and I know that commercial rose growers always spray Im just hoping that this was an accidental dump of insecticide and not all the crop was contaminated otherwise we could see more of this on the...
  14. O

    Any problems after giving 'Natures Touch' treats?

    Some of the P@H store have now taken the product of their shelves now because this was brought to their attention "We gave our degus Natures Touch Rose Feast. 48 hours laters, 3 degus have died. The vets were unable to save them." Read more...
  15. O

    Help Constant Milk Production

    Poor girl is very sore and swollen back at the vets this morning for a check up and antibiotic injection she is still losing liquid from the lance site and I am cleaning it with warm saline solution and she is having metacam to help with the pain. She is not a happy bunny but neither would I be...
  16. O

    Help Constant Milk Production

    Keeping Cheeky in to lance the breast with mastitis :(
  17. O

    Help Constant Milk Production

    the mastitis just isn't going the lump is just getting harder back at the vets this morning
  18. O

    Any problems after giving 'Natures Touch' treats?

    Yes sorry I did mean Natures Touch one goo appeared to have allergic reaction and another post some goos died it could have nothing to do with the treats but both events happened after it was given, thats why I wanted to see if these cases were isolated or not. This is the forum post if you are...
  19. O

    Any problems after giving 'Natures Touch' treats?

    I am also active on a degu forum and there have been a couple of posts where goos have fallen ill after being given treats from this company I have a horrible feeling it may be due to pesticides as the ingredients them selves should be safe . Has anyone here had problems maybe the goos being...
  20. O

    Help Constant Milk Production

    Bertie Boy Cheeky's cage mate was a rescue from my vet the owners left him there to put down as he had teeth growing at all the wrong directions and they didn't want to pay for the op! Luckily my vet being a good guy wouldn't do it but he introduced me to him whilst I was there with my degu...