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  1. BerryJane

    Bun not fairing too well since op

    So sorry. I am sure that Biggest had a wonderful life with you. xx
  2. BerryJane

    Boots has gone

    So sorry for your loss. What a horrid shock. Take care xxxx
  3. BerryJane

    Indoor buns & Xmas tree lights

    Aww bless him. Berry really loved 'helping' us decorate the tree - its always a bit sad when thy are no longer here to carry on their traditions. Thank goodness for memories and nibble marks! :love:
  4. BerryJane

    Indoor buns & Xmas tree lights

    We get a big Christmas gift bag and half way in the middle cut a square out of it. Then thread the cable through so they are 'in the bag' and pop something in to cover the hole. The bag sits next to the tree and looks festive and the cables are hidden. This year Blossom ate through the bag so...
  5. BerryJane

    Sylar's stasis thread

    First chance I have had to check in today and what fab updates! :) I am sure that when he is home he will start eating more. Great news - good boy Sy!! :) Hope you have managed some sleep too. xx
  6. BerryJane

    Sylar's stasis thread

    'Why don't you just put him to sleep and get another' Is the one I have had that has made me fuming!!!! Hopefully if he if he is showing some fight then that could be a good sign. xx
  7. BerryJane

    Sylar's stasis thread

    My comment wasn't meant to correct you .... more to let you know, we do understand and can be here for you. Outside the forum there are many people who don't get it! I have spent over £3,500 on Blossom in the last 15 months - so many people look at me as if I am crazy.. but I know people on here...
  8. BerryJane

    Sylar's stasis thread

    :cry: Many many of us here can truly empathise with you. We love them so much and they are such worries - its all consuming the pain it causes when they are so ill. Any updates. xx
  9. BerryJane

    Sylar's stasis thread

    I hope you manage to get some rest and there is better news in the morning. At least you know you have done everything you can. Take care xxxx
  10. BerryJane

    You just can't "unsee" some things....

    Blossom is quite discreet with his. but Berry was a shocker. He would sit in the middle of the living room, his legs in all sorts of angles slopping it around his mouth! Sloppy dinner we call it - gross but lovely at the same time!:love:
  11. BerryJane

    bisc's updated health thread *u/d he's gone*

    I hope today went as well as it possibly could. Leaving them is the hardest thing to do in the world. I always go to the crem and stay there and then bring them straight back home with me. Horrible and painful but I like the fact that they are back with me. Thinking of you xx
  12. BerryJane

    bisc's updated health thread *u/d he's gone*

    I am so sorry for your loss. It is such a heartbreaking time for you. As others have said, try to take comfort in knowing what an amazing life you gave Bisc - as you did Matt. All you could give him, you did, what more can a rabbit want in life than to receive the love and respect you gave...
  13. BerryJane

    Kirsty Has A Dental Abscess - Sweet Dreams Kirsty, I Love You

    So sorry to read this update. Take care xx
  14. BerryJane

    Off to the vets with Sonic tomorrow, spare vibes?

    Glad to hear the two brave soldiers have had good evenings. :-) :-)
  15. BerryJane

    Off to the vets with Sonic tomorrow, spare vibes?

    Great to hear both your babies have survived their traumatic day and are now hopefully snuggled up with their warm blankys! Hope you can relax now and that they both manage a little supper! :-)
  16. BerryJane

    Off to the vets with Sonic tomorrow, spare vibes?

    It used to be I would know by the way he went off his herbs. He is a house rabbit so its very easy to spot changes in him. Now because of how bad his roots are its just a standard 2 weekly affair..... :( Travelling can be stressful but its better to be safe than sorry. Hercules is a mighty...
  17. BerryJane

    Off to the vets with Sonic tomorrow, spare vibes?

    Good luck with Treacle too pets mum - Its almost better to have them done when they need it but not really ill with it - they recover much more easily. xx
  18. BerryJane

    Off to the vets with Sonic tomorrow, spare vibes?

    Hi, I am sure they will check him over to see if its his teeth before knocking him out. If its any consolation Blossom has dentals every 2 weeks - he gets over them very quickly but it is always a worry. I would love to be going every 3 months. Really hope all is well and he comes back happy...
  19. BerryJane


    It wasn't that bad a word!! :lol:
  20. BerryJane


    Blossom is a ******! He only has to hear us in the kitchen and he comes flying in stood on his back legs blocking the way out!! :D It is so hard to ignore it and my husband finds it equally hard. Today the same thing happened, I heard my husband say ' What are you after?' and the next thing...