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Search results

  1. marchi1990

    Loss of 3 rabbits in just over a month

    Hello everyone I haven't posted on here in a few years but I am looking for some advice. I am absolutely devastated and confused. Last month I had four lovely rabbits, and now I only have one left. They all lived separately although their runs were directly next to each other. Just to give you...
  2. marchi1990

    Cleaning a rabbit house after a death

    Unfortunately I lost Cookie to fly strike on Thursday: http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/showthread.php?444300-Fly-strike-how-did-this-happen-Worried-about-other-bunnies She lived in a lovely Wendy house/ run combo that is now empty. I would like to eventually move another one of my rabbits...
  3. marchi1990

    Fly strike - how did this happen? Worried about other bunnies

    Morning everybody, This morning I woke up to find one of my bunnies, Cookie, slumped over and clearly very poorly. She was rushed to the vets and we were told she had fly strike. The vet investigated and said that it was too advanced for it to be treatable and so the decision was made for her...
  4. marchi1990

    Urgent - feeding baby food

    I need some help. Woody had a dental yesterday and is now refusing to eat. Syringing him critical care has become impossible because he refuses to swallow it and/or just spits it out. I'm looking for more attractive things I can syringe feed him that will help him recover and also will tempt...
  5. marchi1990

    Bad start to the day :( UD POST 41

    I went to feed Woody this morning and he was clearly unwell. He was hunched up - no interest in food, shaking, not moving. Rushed him to the vets where I was told he needed an emergency dental (second this year). He is there now, op not till about 4 though :cry: BAD BAD DAY.
  6. marchi1990

    How can I know the 'penis incident' won't happen again?

    So, here is the situation. I adopted Cookie 6 months ago with the intention of bonding her with my Woody - both neutered. They were neighbours through bars (did all the usual swapping of items) and after about 3 weeks I introduced them. It was going incredibly well - she was grooming him...
  7. marchi1990

    Please help me with wire

    http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000VPD5ZG/ref=s9_wish_co_d15_g201_i1?ie=UTF8&colid=34F50456R217T&coliid=IUE0PW16YARYI&pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=left-2&pf_rd_r=1ZEDPR6GAAAF3G0EE1CS&pf_rd_t=3201&pf_rd_p=466496393&pf_rd_i=typ01 Is that a good size hole - 1/2 by 1/2 inch
  8. marchi1990

    Fox paid a visit last night

    My sister's room overlooks the area of the garden where the rabbits live. Last night they woke her with their thumping - she looked out and a huge fox was circling their runs. She and my dad went out to check they were okay and to comfort them. They purposely didn't wake me because I had to be...
  9. marchi1990

    Bunnymama's Rambo

    I have been so saddened to hear of the passing of bunnymama's beautiful Rambo. I have followed him on Instagram for months. He became very poorly recently and passed away today. I thought I would leave a post in rainbow bridge for this beautiful star.
  10. marchi1990


    "Did you just mention the word BANANA??" "Woah it's HUGE!!"
  11. marchi1990

    A very sad farewell to my baby duck

    Tonight we said a very sad farewell to our beautiful duckling who so sadly hatched with an awful birth defect to his neck on Sunday. Darling, we tried everything. I researched and investigated; we tried the massage and we tried vitamins. In the end, it was simply unfair to keep you going any...
  12. marchi1990

    Woody & His White Dog

  13. marchi1990

    Bunny has learnt a new trick

    It's called 'jumping out of my high run into mummy's arms.' It scares me half to death because my garden is not safe at all and he always does it when I'm sweeping his run out and I don't expect it!!
  14. marchi1990

    Merry Christmas from my boys

  15. marchi1990

    The ducks are hatching!!! Update @ 10pm

    They've cracked! I'm so excited and you can hear them chirping!! Video --- http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t249/marchi1990/EFD8D22A-2E8B-4516-A48C-21873EE07DFC_zpslwyxzzh8.mp4 Update 1 -- One has arrived!! A little dazed and confused but so cute!! Update 3 -- That makes...
  16. marchi1990

    Can buns eat broccoflower?

    Must be a new veg? Mum bought it for them from the market but wanted to check :thumb:
  17. marchi1990


    Having read numerous horror stories about racks I wanted to check that these seemed safe? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LARGE-UNIVERSAL-FITTING-PINE-PLYWOOD-HUTCH-HAY-RACK-MANGER-FOR-GUINEA-PIG-RABBIT-/271335946952?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Small_Animals&hash=item3f2ce1fac8 Or this...
  18. marchi1990

    Thank you dad

    Thank you to my amazing dad who has just spent two hours in the dark - after working 10 hours - fitting many, many locks to the runs after our unfortunate visit from Mr Fox on Sunday. Thank you :thumb:
  19. marchi1990

    Please help me to make their runs safer

    Last night we had a very unwelcome visit from a fox who so sadly killed our chickens and ducks :( I'm panicking and have turned into full-on safety mode. Now, a couple of my rabbits have these runs attached to their sheds...
  20. marchi1990

    Fox deterrents

    Does anybody have any kind of fox deterrent that they find particularly useful? I'm looking for anything that is good at keeping them away and is safe for bunnies to be around :thumb: