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Search results

  1. P

    Hair loss, just moulting or mites?

    Hi all, I have a rabbit, shadow. He's about 9 months old, he has started to loss a bit of hair on his back, just behind his head. There is a bit of flakey skin as well buts only in this one spot. I've been reading up online so I'm starting to think its mites. He's seems fine in himself and...
  2. P

    Watering eye

    Hi I have noticed one of our rabbits, Shadow had 1 watering eye. I have had a look in hid eye and there is something black about 2mm long in his eye but its under his back protective layer. I am hoping this is the reason for the watering and nothing more serious. Does anybody know if this is...
  3. P

    Urgent advice needed please

    Hi, I had to go away for a wedding last night and left my bunnies inside. I fed the at 4 o clock just as we were leaving and gave then a extra small bowl of pellets and a few carrots to tide them over till I got back. The roads are flooded now and I can't get back until tomorrow. I'm really...
  4. P

    Bonding a new bunny

    Hi I'm sure this has already been covered here but I just want to make sure I understand exactly how to bond a new rabbit. We have a 7 month old female called thumper who recently got spayed along with patch another female. Unfortunately patch didn't make it through the op and we want to get a...
  5. P

    Bonding a new rabbit

    I had 2 6 month old rabbits, patch and thumper. Both females and recently got them spayed, unfortunately patch didn't make it through the op and passed away. We all really miss her but we worry about thumper now she's left on her own. Is 6 month to old to introduce a new bunny to her, we would...
  6. P

    Aggressive rabbit

    I brought 2 female rabbits on the 28th Dec so they are about 6-7 months old. They have always been friends, playing and licking each other until recently they have started humping. I read this is normal and I am planing to get the both spay to stop this. I'm worried for one rabbit now though as...