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Search results

  1. S

    How often do you feed pellets?

    If you feed your adult rabbits pellets, you should feed it 1/4 to 1/2 cup of pellets per day for every 6 pounds of body weight. Weaned baby rabbits may be allowed unlimited timothy and alfalfa pellets to help them grow.
  2. S

    dandelion - dried or fresh?

    Rabbits love dandelion leaves and fresh grass, but you should make sure that the area you pick from has not been contaminated by animals, or sprayed with chemicals. For this reason it is always best to pick from your own property. Rabbits enjoy to eat fruit and vegetables, and these must be...
  3. S

    Best way to feed hay?

    I am severely allergic to hay ( timothy and alfalfa) and was wondering if there were any alternatives, as i know hay is so important to a bunny's digestive system.
  4. S

    Will a rabbit be ok if he only eat pellets?

    Pellets are really not as necessary to a rabbit's health as you'd think. They can live very well without them if they are fed correctly. I think you need to limit the fresh veggies to one cup per day maximum, and give the rabbit as much meadow/timothy or oaten hay as it wants.Hay and vegetables...
  5. S

    What Do You Feed Your Bun's

    Ours have constant access to Hay all day, a handful of Allen and Page pellets in the morning and a small amount of green veg at night
  6. S

    what do you feed your rabbits?

    Our rabbits get greens in the morning and veggies in the evening. Plus unlimited Timothy hay all the time. We mix up the hay with Orchard grass and Oat hay. And we give them a little Alfalfa and the new Botanical hay as a treat.
  7. S

    Newbie !

    Hello Everyone ! I'm Scott , newbie to this community and glad to join the site. I love pets, they provide many benefits to humans. They comfort us and they give us companionship. Looking forward to have nice discussions in the forum:)