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  1. E

    Myxomatosis Outbreaks 2010/2011

    Im in tamworth and lost 2 of mine last week to myxi :(
  2. E

    The perfect poop.

    I just get the bales from a local farm shop thingy (equine centre??) they're a 1000% better than p@h hay. And my grumpy "do you expect me to eat that!" Rabbit just can't get enough of it :D
  3. E

    The perfect poop.

    I was just about to start a thread because I changed from pet shop hay to farm hay and my bunnies poops have doubled in size and are really crumbly! So I'm guessing that's a good thing! I'll be taking some photos in the morning of the golden poop (The wonders of being a bunny mummy!!)
  4. E

    meet wills other babies :D

    she finally got them to sit still and sent me these.... baby 1 baby 2 baby 3 baby 4 baby 5 they are so cute and super friendly already. theyre 19 days old on this photo x
  5. E

    wills baby

    theyre not my babies, i wish they were though :love: theyre my sister-in-laws (well nearly) il try and get some of the others when i go round, they just never sit still! theyve grown so quickly i cant believe it :D
  6. E

    wills baby

    Thanks, I'm trying to get some pictures of the other babies but its impossible to get more than a blur. :D
  7. E

    Litter update!

    Aww so cute! They're lovely! Mom seems to be doing a brilliant job :) Iv been helping a friend with her baby rabbits and one pee'd all over me! Didn't realise they could :D
  8. E

    wills baby

    hello all :wave: well everytime i go round to check on the babies i cant seem to get them to sit still and in the end i decided to get a video :roll: this little one wont leave me alone! is it normal for 2 week ols rabbits to do this?
  9. E

    help... hand rearing 3, 5 day old kits!

    Thank you! I still can't feel proud yet until they are all grown up! Then I know iv helped a family of buns in need! And thank you for your help, I wouldn't have had a clue without your advise! :D
  10. E

    help... hand rearing 3, 5 day old kits!

    I'm really excited about it! I might be having one of the babies from them! Will the big ones push them out or will they be ok? I don't want to leave them and something bad happens after all this time. Mommy rabbit (wills) was licking one of the babies faces this morning, it was beautiful!
  11. E

    help... hand rearing 3, 5 day old kits!

    They still feed from mom, twice a day. We put them in massive box with mom and they feed themselves. We leave them until they walk off, then take mom out. She was getting too stressed when turning her over. I only ever did a few syringe feeds and once they were better I left them to feed by...
  12. E

    help... hand rearing 3, 5 day old kits!

    They had the mother bun of a lady who had 2 giants so not 100% sure on age, but between 7-8 months old. Just to let you all know they are doing really well. They're eyes opened yesterday same day as the two mom still has! They've doubled in weight since I took them in. The small runt is 98g...
  13. E

    help... hand rearing 3, 5 day old kits!

    For all those who have been reading this thread... The babies are doing ok. I know they're still not out of the woods but they're getting there (finger crossed!) They're a week old today :D Their skin goes back down normally know so they're no longer dehydrated (I think) Mommy rabbit is being...
  14. E

    help... hand rearing 3, 5 day old kits!

    thank you :D i will let you all know how they get on
  15. E

    help... hand rearing 3, 5 day old kits!

    awww thanks sky-o, iv been so desperate to get a reply. they seem a lot better this morning. still all wrinkly with sagging skin but can lit their heads better now. i know theyre not out of the woods yet but atleast theyre making progress!
  16. E

    help... hand rearing 3, 5 day old kits!

    we took them away because they were very weak and dehydrated. they still are quite weak and im not sure what we should do now. we were told to take them away as they would get squashed to the bottom of the nest and wouldnt have the strength to feed themselves :oops: to be honest im just confused!
  17. E

    help... hand rearing 3, 5 day old kits!

    u/d I got up extra early today and took the kits back round to their mommy. Wills was brilliant and just lay on her back while the babies fed. I'm so relieved! Iv been up most the night worrying about them. I let them drink until they fell to sleep. I checked the two other babies that I left...
  18. E

    help... hand rearing 3, 5 day old kits!

    I fed them at 8pm (ish) with half evaporated milk and half water. They licked it off my fingers. They are quite dehydrated as the fur sticks up when you pull it. they're not as bad since they had a drink though. Just to add I didn't know they weren't allowed evap milk. A trainee vet nurse who...
  19. E

    help... hand rearing 3, 5 day old kits!

    Its lactol kitten. Should I feed them or not? They won't be back to their mom until about 8 in the morning?
  20. E

    help... hand rearing 3, 5 day old kits!

    Ok thanks, I will take the babies back first thing and tell her everything you said. I won't feed them anything else now. Thank you for your help I'm glad you've all been so friendly. I was a bit nervous of posting as some forums are quite harsh to new comers lol