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Search results

  1. K

    Help rabbit weeing every where!!!

    Try putting a little basket in with them. Put some litter in it, and maybe they'll use it as a litter box. I kept my rabbit in the house for a few months when I first got him. I had a litter box (small basket, not a full sized litter box) in the floor and most of the time he's use that. Now, he...
  2. K

    Hair Loss Inside/Outside - Urgent

    I don't think this is anything to worry about. I have a mini lop and the last week or so he has been melting also. This is the first time I have seen him shedding this much hair but he seems to be acting normal and healthy. I have had him a year and a half now so I am guessing he was about due...
  3. K

    Rabbit Foods - Whats Safe and Whats Dangerous

    I read some place that it was ok to give rabbits weetabix?? Pickles loves them. Do you think it is ok. I read it on some rabbit website. I suppose it is good for her wee teeth gnawing on them.
  4. K

    rabbit spayed and neuted advice

    It is just like a cat or dog getting a medical procedure so they can't have babies any more. It costs about the same as it does for small dogs or cats. You need to call up a vet in your area and find one that knows how to do this to rabbits. Ask them