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Search results

  1. Sakura6267

    Tribute to my Yuki

    Hi everyone. Yesterday was the 2 week anniversary since my baby went to the Rainbow Bridge. I finished a website I made about him last week, but I've been so exhausted, I haven't had the strength to really share it with anyone. I put his story on it, as well as pictures and a poem I wrote...
  2. Sakura6267

    Need help on decision of burial or cremation

    For those of you who don't already know, my darling little bunny, Yuki, passed away last Wednesday. The grief is just unbearable. I have waves of crying fits followed by void numbness. The first thought I have when I wake up is that my little Yuki isn't in this world anymore. It has been...
  3. Sakura6267

    Picture and video of my sweet Yuki

    And a video. I hope it works properly. I caught this on my digital camera when he was still healthy and happily hopping around. It was only a very short time ago. http://members.shaw.ca/anime7/yuki.wmv
  4. Sakura6267

    I lost my beloved Yuki yesterday

    It was so quick and horrible. I was syringe feeding him and I picked him up to bring him back downstairs. He almost jumped over my shoulder, and I reached up to grab him. When I did, I heard a loud snap and knew his leg was broken. He jumps like this often, and I didn't grab him that hard, just...
  5. Sakura6267

    Not doing well update: need urgent help with pain medicine

    Yuki had his teeth burred yesterday, as well as a sharp molar spur growing into his lower jaw trimmed. The spur left a sore that's causing him terrible pain. A lot of his bottom teeth are loose too. He hasn't eaten at all since Monday, and I've been syringe feeding him which is painful for him...
  6. Sakura6267

    How much water?

    Yuki isn't drinking much water, and I want to syringe him some. How many millilitres of water should he drink a day, he's about 2 and a half pounds. How much should I give a time. He also gets water with the Critical Care so how much should I syringe him?
  7. Sakura6267

    Eating very little :( Update: molar spur

    Yuki has not been eating much today. He ate his lettuce in the morning, and 2 carrots later on, but he won't touch his pellets which is very unusual. Now I gave him a couple of leaves of lettuce and he ate some of it, but left some behind which is also unusual. He looks to be having some...
  8. Sakura6267

    Bunny flinching during injection (frustrated)

    I've been giving Yuki his depocillin injections by myself pretty successfully twice a week for the last 2 weeks. But today when I stuck in the needle and was injecting the depocillin, he kept flinching, so I pulled the needle out even though he didn't get the full dose. If he was flinching, it...
  9. Sakura6267

    Injection spots

    I was able to give the injection at the vet by myself yesterday without anyone even holding him. I think the reason I had so much problems last time was because I was trying to give him the needle while he was on the couch, and it was too awkward an angle. The tech told me to always do it on a...
  10. Sakura6267

    Still can't do the injection *sigh*

    I tried to give Yuki an injection by myself today, but I just couldn't do it. I should have quit trying after the second poke because I know I hurt him when I kept trying. :( I did get the needle under his skin once, but he flinched, and I reacted by pulling it out. Then I tried again, and I'm...
  11. Sakura6267

    Long term penicillin injections

    I got a mixture of good and bad news at Yuki's vet appointment on Saturday. The good news is that the depocillin is working. He doesn't have as much discharge in his nose anymore. He got some more head x-rays done and not much had change, but the vet noticed that he didn't have so much bone...
  12. Sakura6267

    Injection, couldn't do it :(

    I just tried to give Yuki his penicillin injection and majorly screwed up! His skin is so thick! My cat has thin skin, so it was easy to give him insulin needles, but I didn't know a rabbit's skin was so thick! I was scared to push down too hard, and I thought it was in, and the penicillin ended...
  13. Sakura6267

    Penicillin injections

    Hi. Sorry I haven't posted about Yuki's progress in a while. He was doing well, eating and playing normally, but I could tell the antibiotics he was on wasn't really taking away the bacteria infection he has. He was suppose to get another head x-ray and tooth trimming today, but the vet thought...
  14. Sakura6267

    Sick again :(

    I brought Yuki to the vet today to have everything checked up, and the appointment went well. The doctor thought he was doing very good, his weight was good, and there were no signs of abscesses. She wants me to bring him in again in another 2 weeks for tooth burring and x-rays to make sure...
  15. Sakura6267

    Not eating and looking very tired

    I gave Yuki a dose of the Doxycycline yesterday evening. I've also been giving the Metronidazole for over a week now twice a day, and I just started on the Doxycycline which I only have to give once a day. Yuki seems more out of it than ever this morning. He did eat his lettuce, but it took...
  16. Sakura6267

    Got some bad news :(

    My vet called this morning and we weren't home, but I got a message from her on the answering machine saying that the culture results came back and the bacteria Yuki has needs a special medication, and the Baytril won't really help for it. I'm freaking out now because I couldn't really make out...
  17. Sakura6267

    Why is Yuki so out of it in the mornings?

    First off I would like to thank everyone who has helped Yuki and I so far. It's very much appreciated. :) I have noticed for the last 2 weeks or so, pretty much since Yuki has gotten sick, he's been really out of it in the mornings, like very drowsy. He won't eat or move much. He perks up...
  18. Sakura6267

    What are my options for tooth root intrusion?

    I've been really worried since I found out that Yuki's back teeth are actually pushing through the bones and growing up into his skull. The ones on top looked dangerously close to the eye. I believe this is only happening on the left side, though I need to confirm that with the vet. The roots...
  19. Sakura6267

    Left medication out! Desperately need help!

    I accidentally left the Metronidazole out all night when I gave him his dose yesterday. I couldn't believe it when I saw it sitting on the table this morning. I'm usually so careful about these things. I really think I'm starting to lose it. I have a serious medical issue, I haven't slept...
  20. Sakura6267

    Nervous about tooth extraction (Updated)

    Today is the day when I can finally get Yuki the much needed relief by getting that terrible tooth extracted. But I can't help feeling really scared. I don't like the thought of putting him under anesthetic because he's already 7 years old and has had health problems in the past. And I'm not...