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Search results

  1. Fudgeley

    The best bunny tunnels?

    The corner boxes/binky boxes seem similar in price to the Trixie pens and are higher to allow for a full stretch.I think as they are essentially cornering areas the sizes seem fine.I need a really robust run as our dogs squash the wire down on the top of others that we have bought.they are not...
  2. Fudgeley

    The best bunny tunnels?

    I am about to order some of the runaround kit so will let you know about the tunnels....
  3. Fudgeley

    How to get bunnies used to being handled?

    Hi We have had Poppy and Bluebell since Monday.They are rescue rabbits and are mother and daughter.Mum is around one and baby is 8 weeks old. We have let them settle in to their hutch and had them out and about in the run.We have been sitting in the run with them and feeding them yummies by...
  4. Fudgeley

    it's done, he's gone

    So sorry to hear of you loss and that the guy was not what you needed.....When we lost Snowy last year we brought her home and buried her here but it was so very hard,particularly for my daughter who was distraught..... Just remember that they are binkying at the bridge......
  5. Fudgeley

    what leaves can buns eat?

    I was browsing around the section at PAH yesterday and saw some hay and wood shavings with leaves in for the rabbits to forage for in their hutch. Forgive me if I am being a bit dim but can you just pick ordinary tree leaves,dry them and do your own? If so which leaves should I be gathering? I...
  6. Fudgeley

    Please welcome home our two rescue buns Poppy and Bluebell.

    Thanks everyone,they have had a good night,been out in the run and are very chilled.They are being wagg at the moment which I know is not the best.I assume that like dogs I do a gradual change over to the food I want them to be on? Do people have a recommendation for a food that would be...
  7. Fudgeley

    Please welcome home our two rescue buns Poppy and Bluebell.

    I have posted this by mistake.This is a duplicate thread.....
  8. Fudgeley

    Please welcome home our two rescue buns Poppy and Bluebell.

    sorry duplicate post,can mods remove?
  9. Fudgeley

    Please welcome home our two rescue buns Poppy and Bluebell.

    Yes, my collie Fudge doing her herding thing.....:lol::lol::lol:
  10. Fudgeley

    Please welcome home our two rescue buns Poppy and Bluebell.

    To cut a long story short today we picked up our two new rescue buns Poppy and Bluebell.... Mum is about 1 year old we believe and little Bluebell was the last of the litter whom the rescuer was leaving so that they were a pair. They arrived home about 2pm and had a couple of hours private...
  11. Fudgeley

    We have two new rescue bunnies.............

    I had contacted a couple of local rescues to see if their were any suitable bonded pairs available.Anyway to cut a long story short our local rabbit rescue in Northwich had two pairs who we went to see this afternoon... We were immediately drawn to a very affectionate mummy and her baby.Not...
  12. Fudgeley

    Rehomed: Alan and Albert 6 month old lionhead boys

    I wish these two little bunnies the best of luck.....This afternoon another local rescue got back to me with a mother and daughter who also needed a home. So many bunnies in rescue but two less now anyway!
  13. Fudgeley

    Rehomed: Alan and Albert 6 month old lionhead boys

    I have made an enquiry about these boys........hoping they might be the ones....:love::love::love:
  14. Fudgeley

    Apex run?

    Our run is quite a big one and was designed so that our daughter can be in with the rabbits.This is where they get a lot of their exercise.I was looking for another run that was more secure for them so that they could have another exercise area linked directly and safely to their hutch.I was...
  15. Fudgeley

    Apex run?

    Fantastic.This is exactly what I was after.I can link the hutch to an apex run for when we are not around and then the large run can be used when we are there and my daughter can sit in and play.this also means it can be moved around the garden to get the best grass! Thankyou.
  16. Fudgeley

    Apex run?

  17. Fudgeley

    Apex run?

    Hi we are looking to rehome a bonded pair of rabbits (dwarf lop size probably).we have a large hutch with an open topped run that attaches to the front of the hutch.Our last two buns used to come out into the run where my daughter could sit and play with them.They would happily binky around...
  18. Fudgeley

    Looking for a young bonded pair of rabbits (North West)

    I love the two lionheads in the first link, have been looking at them all day to be honest.....:love::love::love: I have not had experience of lionheads though? Do they need any specific grooming care? What size do they grwo to as adults? Our set up housed 2 dwarf lops but could always be...
  19. Fudgeley

    Looking for a young bonded pair of rabbits (North West)

    Can I ask what the general procedure is for rehoming.Do the rescues do home visits etc? do we get checked by a specific rescue and then wait for the right buns or do it the other way round? Just trying to get it all sorted in my mind.....
  20. Fudgeley

    Looking for a young bonded pair of rabbits (North West)

    Hi everyone.It has been a while since I have been on here.We lost our lovely Toffee 18 months ago to EC and then in October her lifepartner Snowy was PTS with a tumour. We are now ready to give a loving home to a new bonded pair.I have never gone down the rescue route before .Our first bunnies...