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Search results

  1. KB

    Rabbiting On App

    I've tried to purchase this & haven't been able to? Tried he App Store, tried clicking on the ad on the RWAF website then doesn't show in a search. Any ideas people? Thought it would be good for some covert rabbit research at work but currently I'm foiled :cry::oops:
  2. KB

    Male/male bond when one bun is a wildie - anyone with experience of this dynamic?

    As above really, it's not me but I've been asked for advice. Am ok with general bonding so could advise on that. But never bonded a wildie & was concerned that a male/male bond when one is a wildie is a very difficult bond. I met the owner & two buns today. Both approx 8months old, neutered...
  3. KB

    Diet Gurus - locally produced pellets - your opinions please?

    Currently I feed Oxbow Adult to my older guy & Young Rabbit to my two growing girls. But it's done a lot of air miles to get to us & I feel a bit guilty about that. A woman in my city runs a chinchilla rescue & has started formulating her own small pet pellets. She also sells treats & some...
  4. KB

    Loving todays disapproval!

    I love her style! :lol::love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yfhhX7VlIo
  5. KB

    Anyone know a good German based rabbit welfare website?

    As above really. Just looking for one with good outdoor housing pics but my German is non existent so tricky :oops: Thanks :D
  6. KB

    Please share your favourite housing websites.

    :wave: As above really. Apart from what you've seen on here what websites do you find inspirational with regard to bun housing? Especially those that would really help newbie or would be bun slaves. Thanks.
  7. KB

    Diet gurus - your opinions please?

    Looking for a bit of advice/opinions here. I'm unable to purchase Oxbow bunny basics T here in NZ. I'd been getting it sent at huge expense from Oz but it's difficult & expensive & not that reliable with it customs & MAF (Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries) often holding it up. I am able to...
  8. KB

    Opinions on 'Hoppy Hour' (as featured on Disapproving Rabbits)

    I really enjoyed watching their latest clip of their buns at Hoppy Hour but struggle to believe what I'm seeing. All the rabbits seem to just cruise about exploring & some even binky. There don't seem to be any scuffles. I can't imagine either of my two behaving well enough with other buns to...
  9. KB

    Aubrey ever attentive as Ondine recovers from her eye injury.

    Aubs is being a dutiful husbun as Ondine's eye heals. Unsure as to how it happened & she seems unfazed by it but quite worrying when I first saw it. She was whisked off to the vet, cleaned up, ab's, pain relief fluorescent dye etc. She has no damage to the eye itself, just a small tear to her...
  10. KB

    Fenugreek crunchie query.

    Down here in Aotearoa fenugreek crunchies are not available! Yes, shock horror but thats the sad truth. I have long held a fascination with the RU tales of your buns addiction to these treats. I would really like to experiment with making them & wondered is it the seed or the plant...
  11. KB

    Meadow Hay Question

    Hi guys, am a bit embarrassed to be asking this - being a farmers daughter & all :oops: It's early summer here & has been very wet & humid. It's a bad time of year to source hay. My usual place has none & my alternative place has fairly new mowed & baled stuff. Am worried this will be too green...
  12. KB

    YAY! motorway bunny saved!

    Last week one of my workmates who is also my friend was late for work. When she got there, she said it was my fault she was late........."mmmm whys that then Katie?" I said. It seems she was about to get on to an onramp when she saw a domestic bun on a large traffic island, so put her hazards on...
  13. KB

    Kiss my feet tiny husbun!

    Aubrey grooms the feet of Ondine his supersized wife :love::love:
  14. KB

    Rex bottom care.

    Gorgeous Gilbert is going through some chronic health issues & is no longer as mobile as he has been previously. He is getting very urine soaked around his rear end & I'm worried he'll get urine scald if I don't act quickly. Am in a bit of a quandry as to how to deal with this though I'm worried...
  15. KB

    Does anyone have this rabbit book?

    As per the title. Thought it sounded interesting. Comments/reviews anyone? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1446535797/ref=pe_5050_18987060_snp_dp
  16. KB

    Aubrey & Ondine - A Big/Little Couple

    Finally managed to get a few pics of this loved up unlikely couple. Aubrey was a foundling who I attempted to bond into a trio with Parsley & Gilbert. It was a disaster! Although initially it worked Aub turned into a tiny tyrant & was bullying Gil. Gil became ill with the stress of the situation...
  17. KB

    And people think buns aren't clever!

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/cambridgeshire/3441337.stm Go Dory!
  18. KB

    Do snuggle safes work in reverse?

    As per the title really. Can you put them in the freezer & use as a cold pack? Feel bad asking when some of you have snow but its really hot here all of a sudden. I do the frozen water bottle thing but was thinking that a snuggle safe is a better shape. Guess I could experiment but just...
  19. KB

    Beautiful Foster Bun - Ruby

    Just have to share a few pics of my foster bun. Her name is Ruby & she is a Flemish Giant. She is the first giant bun I have fostered so am a bit excited :D She is with me for diet & exercise pre speying. Her owner surrendered her because they were having spinal surgery. Ruby weighs 6.28kg but...
  20. KB

    Bunny Treat Recipes

    Hi RU this is a request for help. My darling Gilbert has been unwell :cry: & whilst I am happy we are on top of the situation I would really like to help him gain some condition. He is a really healthy eater by choice & all the usual things such as soaked rolled oats, sunflower seeds etc he...