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  1. StevieBunny

    Rabbit Introductions - your help please

    Well did the 7th date today - didnt go so well. For some reason both bunnies were in quite an aggressive mood. Neither would settle. No all out fighting but came close. They were together an hour. fingers crossed will be better tomorrow
  2. StevieBunny

    Rabbit Introductions - your help please

    5th and 6th dates done now - we tried in them in the bedroom upstairs today and all went okay. I had wondered if it may not work as Stevie as been in the room before, even though hes not supposed to go upstairs. They managed an hour - mostly just laying down or cleaning themselves. Stevie did...
  3. StevieBunny

    Rabbit Introductions - your help please

    My other half is the liverpool fan. Stevie is not scared in the car, he has to have his teeth done reguarly at the vets and has had loads of car rides. I dont think this would work for them. We did the fourth date yesterday and Stevie licked torres face twice then ran off. Then they were...
  4. StevieBunny

    Rabbit Introductions - your help please

    3rd date done - not has good as the second. Its started okay - i had put a huge pile of veg down for them to share to try to encourage them to interact more. When Stevie got close to Torres he kept jumping on her head then springing over her. She was okay with this the first five or six...
  5. StevieBunny

    Rabbit Introductions - your help please

    second date done. There were no altercations today. Not alot happened at all to be honest. Mostly they both were either laid down or washing themselves. They sniffed each other a few times, Stevie laid his ears back and looked like he might pounce but then ran away instead when torres didnt...
  6. StevieBunny

    Rabbit Introductions - your help please

    Good News. I have been doing the cage swopping for over a month now and Stevies behaviour towards torres has really changed. He now licks her through the bars and no longer displays any agression towards her. i bit the bullet today and decided to try again with a bonding session. I took both...
  7. StevieBunny

    Rabbit Introductions - your help please

    Hi, The slow introductions seem to be going ok so far. i am switching which pen they are in daily and leaving the same litter days/food bowls in each. They are comfortable laying next to each other with just a one piece of pen between them. How long should i do this for before I try them...
  8. StevieBunny

    Rabbit Introductions - your help please

    Hi, Thanks for your advice. I have tried putting them together in a totally neutral space on a few occassions. I took a week off and tried unsuccessfully to put them together. The male rabbit was very aggressive towards the female. He has been neutered for over 3 years and I think he has lost...
  9. StevieBunny

    Rabbit Introductions - your help please

    Hi Folks, Its has been a while since i was on as I have been waiting for my adorable french lop to be old enough to neutered. She had the procedure a month ago and it went very well apart from it costing me a small fortune. I am now going to try again at introducing her to my other bunny, a...
  10. StevieBunny

    Aggresive Male during introductions

    Hi, The doe is three months, not yet spayed. She will spayed as soon as she is old enough. The area is 100% neutral, im using the patio outside. Neither one has ever been in the garden till now. The doe is more interested in eating grass coming through the paving slabs than in Stevie...
  11. StevieBunny

    Aggresive Male during introductions

    Hi, I have my lionhead Stevie (neutered) for three years and my partner decided we should get another. I now have a lovely french lop doe also. We have tried introducing them and Stevie is really agressive. The minutes he gets near her he is straight in with paws boxing and scratching. The...
  12. StevieBunny

    Digestive biscuits?

    Hi, Stevie my lionhead as a very sweet tooth. We cant leave biscuits, chocolate or cereals anywhere he can get them. Hes worst than a dog for his behaviour if im eating them. He usually jumps straight up on my knee and will try to eat the other side of whatever ive got whilst im putting...
  13. StevieBunny

    Bunny is non stop molting. Any ideas why?

    HI, I have a very furry lionhead and he also seems to moult continously. My french lop doesnt. It could be due to the temp in the house. Stevie my lionhead as been like this since we got him three years ago. Im constantly unblocking the hooover and was very embarrssed when i took some...
  14. StevieBunny

    Rabbits that hate being picked up

    Hi, My three year old lionhead hates being picked up, but i have noticed it depends where he is. Hes a house rabbit and as free reign downstairs, if i pick him up downstairs, he goes crazy and will wriggle until i put him down. But if he is in a unfamiliar place, outside or at the vets he is...
  15. StevieBunny

    New House Rabbit - Is his Behaviour Normal?

    Hi, I have two house rabbits, the second i only got recently. She was eight weeks old when got her and had never been in a house. The first 24 hours we left her alone and on the second day we took her out. She was quite happy to explore the room. By the third day she had figured out she...
  16. StevieBunny

    Fighting during First Introduction

    Hi, I have a 3 year old neutered (large) lionhead buck and a three month old french lop doe (intact). I am trying to introduce the pair. Over the last three weeks we have placed the cages next to each other and switched over bedding. The lionheads initial reaction to the doe was fear, he ran...
  17. StevieBunny

    Fighting in first introduction

    Hi, I have a 3 year old neutered (large) lionhead buck and a three month old french lop doe (intact). I am trying to introduce the pair. Over the last three weeks we have placed the cages next to each other and switched over bedding. The lionheads initial reaction to the doe was fear, he ran...