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  1. Troublesome Two

    How often do you clean out your buns cage/hutch?

    Everyday i hand pick out all the poo and wet bedding and replace. One is potty trained, the other doesnt bother. Then they get a full clean and disinfect every 2nd weekend. During hot summer weeks, its every week
  2. Troublesome Two

    Over-Vaccinating our bunnies??

    I do disinfect over winter but every other main clean. Revert to every clean in summer like you as flies and bacteria obviously thrive more. It takes 20 - 30 mins every morn to clean them out snow / rain or sun. Disinfecting each time now seems OTT as long as checking bums etc are dirt free
  3. Troublesome Two

    Over-Vaccinating our bunnies??

    I apologise for that. Guess in a sense 'chinese whispers' in that i lost track of what the orignal thread started as so shouldnt have mentioned cost as a reason. But looking through some of the posts it is made out that we are only advised because people can make money out of us. That they do...
  4. Troublesome Two

    Over-Vaccinating our bunnies??

    Its for herd protection and the only vaccinations that children have are for some very horrid and dangerous diseases. But thats another thread. I would always vaccinate buns for simple fact that that is what is suggested. All diseases are different as people have already said and will require...
  5. Troublesome Two

    water bottle snuggs

    Since having a snug, the bottle never turns green in summer like itused to and the tip has only frozen once and that was when we had an extremely cold day, silly like -10
  6. Troublesome Two

    Confirmed VHD outbreak...

    Just to bump the warning back towards the top
  7. Troublesome Two

    Is it true...

    ive read it in several books / journals that Hay should be dried for 6months prior to feeding. Think for fermentation reasons
  8. Troublesome Two


    I think also that new grass may be too green for them if that makes sense? I think it has to settle in and root properly before they should eat it or it'll be too rich. Does that make sense? Id give it several months if possible. I'm looking to relay half our lawn and will be planning on...
  9. Troublesome Two

    science selective or excel?

    The Merry Hill store is very cramped!!! The buns are so cute but i have seen many with very wet weepy eyes many times. Ive stopped going in there now. They have cages in that back section that are TINY.
  10. Troublesome Two

    science selective or excel?

    Just a few queries. Why does the link given by Polly Pocket (think just passed on) go on to actually name the food brands involved and yet the offical website doesn't? Is it because to do so would be libelous and leave themselves open as some foods arent caught up in this? I personally feel...
  11. Troublesome Two

    Is ragwort poisonous?

    For safety its just toxic full stop and a skin irritant to everything including us
  12. Troublesome Two

    Spaying risks?

    we had same issue as Yvette. Pebbles came around well, but once home she was very groggy and evry attempted step meant falling on her face! Very upsetting. Then she turned annorexic on us and wouldnt eat! spent 2 days in vets under supervision. Again she is perfect in health. She was done aged...
  13. Troublesome Two

    life expectancy of a dwarf?

    Our two are dwarf lops (1 is act a mini) weighing 3.4Kg so a decent size and we have a 4x2x2 double hutch. They have free reign of garden during the day and are more than happy. During the day when it gets too hot they put themselves in and just lie down. We are getting quotes for a 7x3x2...
  14. Troublesome Two

    Preventing Hot Cross Bunnies?

    It must be remembered that ice radiates its 'heat' like hot sources do. So although a bun make not be all over it, (mine dont), if they are nearish they will be getting the benefits. Too close maybe too cold:? Think of how cold it is down the freezes at your local supermarket without being in...
  15. Troublesome Two

    How effective is a mxyi vaccine if all given subcut..NOW what do I do..

    Vets hey!.... Maybe it would be diff if they were paid on performance and customer perceived quality. I think some places would soon go bust by the sounds. We are very lucky to have bun savvy Vets. Even if they dont know answer to questions they ask they will drag the books out and try or just...
  16. Troublesome Two

    Preventing Hot Cross Bunnies?

    From my own read up & investigation: 32oC is the limit to when the heat becomes life threatening to buns. Over next few days it is expected to reach 33! No sweat glands and so heat loss is generally via ears. Therefore if bun is OPEN MOUTH PANTING - they are in serious trouble and at risk...
  17. Troublesome Two

    How effective is a mxyi vaccine if all given subcut..NOW what do I do..

    Maybe she did. Watching ours they do it propperly but the dermis layer is so thin that they do it on the withdrawal phase and it can be hard as it only takes the smallest movement to take it into the dermis. I would double check though as if it is done that way, it is for a reason and so non...
  18. Troublesome Two

    sun cream for bunnies ????

    http://www.petremedies.co.uk/product...t=More+Details Try this. Made for buns. Think a lot of ppl just use normal suncream though. Just rub it in well
  19. Troublesome Two

    Feeding hay

    We used to have a hay rack we stuffed full of hay. Pebs would eat from eat and other times she would pull it off the door and throw it around. We thought it was funny and it went on for ages until i read about a young bun who did the same and got his leg stuck between the bars, snap it and...
  20. Troublesome Two

    Michael Jackson

    He had his troubles but immensely gifted & a Legend. R.I.P