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Search results

  1. M


    hello xx its very adictive this site lol
  2. M

    poor bunny ...... newly arrived tonight..

    awwh how sad..hes beautiful xx
  3. M

    BARC Peter Pan Cute

    gutted for me ..fantastic for pan xx
  4. M

    BARC Peter Pan Cute

    oh what a stunna has he found a home yet?
  5. M


    thank you!
  6. M

    Rabbit swaying

    have all rews got poor eyesight?
  7. M


    please could you tell me whats involved with a homecheck .. and adoption please. thanks
  8. M

    need help with baby kits

    any news on the kitts ?
  9. M

    Available Rescue: pair of dutch buns..desperatly seeking a forever home. UPDATE P3

    sorry didnt see this thread..they are beautiful
  10. M

    need help with baby kits

    i would wait until they are 7 days old at least..and when you clean them out save as much as the nesting area(that is clean) as possible..
  11. M

    Tommy and Petra ...feeling photogenic

    what breed are they?
  12. M

    need help with baby kits

    i would check once a day..(prefrebly the same person every day)then mum is getting used to the same smell..as long as she is kept quiet and well fed and has plenty of hay and water. she should be going into them to feed once a day (prob at night).if they look like they are being fed(have round...
  13. M

    need help with baby kits

    if there is something wrong with the kits mum will push them out of the nest..unfortunatly its survival of the fittest .if she has sensed a weakness/illness in the kitts that have died she will not nurse them(very sad i know)but its just natures way.. how old are the kits now?
  14. M

    need help with baby kits

    were the dead kits in the nest with the others or had they been pushed out? i
  15. M


    just ordered some treats/toys for my bunnys/dogs..i got 5 items and it only cost me £2.92 for p@p..really happy ..thanks guys i have had so much useful info in such a short time. x
  16. M

    Can I have a list of good....

    ohhh great idea thanx
  17. M


    oh my..there are so many really good ones..i am going to wait until a have picked them up and spent some time with them,will let you know when i have decided... thanks so much.. i will try to post some pictures if i can...lol thank you everyone you have been brill.
  18. M


    oh sorry one male(black)female (white)
  19. M


    hi! i have just adopted two rabbits they are dwarfs(not sure which breed as yet)one black ..one white ..any suggestions for names..